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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)】 진행합니다. carriver77@naver.com


2022/03 43

10일차. • Sales Momentum: 매출 성장동력 / • pass something along (to someone)

• Sales Momentum : 매출 성장동력 • pass something along (to someone) 1-transmit information - 프리 딕셔너리 -To deliver something to an intended recipient after having received it from someone else. A noun or pronoun can be used between "pass" and "along." - 프리 이디엄즈 -to give or hand something to someone. - 프리 이디엄즈 e.g.) "Please communicate this message to all employees". "pass along the good news" Can you p..

09일차. I was shooting for “alluring”. 고혹적인 스타일로 연출하려 한 것 이였어.

A: Have you done something different to yourself? [= You’ve changed the way you look, haven’t you?] B: You’re kind to notice. [= Thank you for noticing. / I appreciate that you’ve recognized that.] My hairstyle is a wee bit changed. [= I’ve made some small changes to my hair. / My hair is different.] A: That’s it! [= Exactly! / Right! / I knew it! / I see it now!]. It makes you look more sophist..

08일차. J-June’s Pink Plus 61강 복습

무단 복제 및 배포 금지 J-June’s Pink Plus 61강 복습 넌 (사람의) 마음을 읽지 못해. 그러니 내가 무슨 생각하는 지 넌 몰라. You can’t read minds. So, you don’t know what I am thinking. 네가 사람의 마음을 읽을 수 있다면, 내가 무슨 생각하고 있는지 알텐데... If you could read minds, you would know what I was thinking. 네가 이런 태도를 자꾸 보이면, 교장 선생님께 얘기해서 널 교장실로 불러 이야기 좀 하시라고 할 수밖에 없어. If you keep behaving like this, I am gonna have to ask the principal to ask you to come t..
