20일차. 2023-12-04. 스픽 - AI 튜터
✔️ Okay, every year I make a plan to achieve my goals, like obtaining certificates and enrolling in educational programs. Additionally, I need to develop expertise related to my job, which means I have to juggle several things this year. But as you know, time is limited.
"Set up"는 주로 '설치하다'라는 뜻으로 쓰이고, 계획을 세울 때는 "make a plan"이 더 자연스러워요. "Related to"는 '와 관련된'이라는 의미니까 이렇게 써야 해요. "Couple of things"보다 "several things"가 '여러 가지'라는 뜻을 더 잘 전달하고, "time is only finite" 대신에 "time is limited"라고 하면 '시간이 한정적이다'라는 말을 더 간결하게 표현할 수 있어요.
✔️ Firstly, this year I aim to obtain three certifications: Financial Accounting Management at the first-grade level, Distribution Professional at the second-grade level, and Data Analytic Skills. However, these certifications are not closely related to my current job in purchasing and sourcing. If I were to concentrate on what is truly essential, it would be expertise in the field of procurement. Yet, for some reason, that doesn't appeal to me.
목록을 나열할 때는 "such as"보다는 ":"을 사용하는 게 더 깔끔해요. 그리고 문장이 길면 이해하기 어려울 수 있으니까, 적절하게 문장을 나누어 주는 것이 좋아요. "shall be"는 오래된 표현이고, 여기서는 "would be"가 더 자연스러워요. "Tempting" 대신에 "appeal to me"라고 하면 더 일상적인 표현이에요.
While the certificates may not be directly related to your job, they could still add value to your skillset. Have you considered the long-term benefits?
✔️ Of course, but my answer remains the same. Even considering the long-term benefits, expertise in my job should be a priority. However, I've already mentioned that my preference for obtaining certificates outweighs job expertise.
문장을 간결하게 만들어서 전달력을 높이세요. "if I answer with the long-term insight"는 불필요한 부분이고, "should be a priority"로 직접적으로 말하는 것이 좋아요. "outweighs"를 사용하여 무엇이 더 중요한지 명확하게 표현하세요.
✔️ The reason I find the certificates more appealing is that they will remain on my resume after I obtain them. On the other hand, job expertise is harder to verify. However, the effort to gain job expertise may pay off during interviews with other companies or discussions with project engineers.
문장이 좀 더 간결하고 명확해졌어요. "after I will have obtained them" 대신에 "after I obtain them"을 사용하면 시제가 더 자연스럽고, "will pay off if I get" 대신 "may pay off during"을 사용하면 가능성을 표현하는 게 더 적절해요.
It's good that you've considered the tangible benefits of certificates. Are there any other factors you're taking into account in your decision-making process?
✔️ What I take into consideration is what could add value to my work.
"could value my work"는 문법적으로 맞지 않아요. "add value to"라는 표현을 쓰면 '내 일에 가치를 더하는 것'이라는 의미가 돼서 더 자연스럽죠.
✔️ Unfortunately, I haven't thought it over yet. Now that I'm listening to you, I definitely need to consider it.
"think it over"는 고민해보다는 의미인데, 'have yet to'보다는 'haven't ... yet'가 더 자연스럽게 쓰입니다. 그리고 'since I'm listening to you'를 'Now that I'm listening to you'로 바꾸면, '당신의 말을 들은 지금'이라는 의미가 더 명확해집니다.
Take your time to reflect on your career goals and how each option aligns with them. It's important to make a decision that will benefit your long-term growth.
✔️ I agree with you, but to me, your advice sounds a bit like it's coming straight from a textbook.
"on the same page"는 동의한다는 표현이 맞지만, 조금 더 자연스럽게 말하려면 "I agree with you"라고 할 수 있어요. 그리고 'textbook' 같다는 말을 더 부드럽게 표현하기 위해서 'your advice sounds a bit like it's coming straight from a textbook'라고 하는 게 더 자연스러워요.
✔️ Nothing, I just have to admit that you are the epitome of basic AI.
"Byword of the threshold"라는 표현 대신 "epitome of basic AI"라는 일반적인 표현을 사용하면 의미가 더 명확해져요. "epitome"은 '전형'이나 '정수'를 의미하는 단어니까 여기서 더 적합해요.
✔️ Okay. I hope you can surpass the limitations of AI. Goodbye.
"Break the threshold"라는 표현은 자연스럽지 않아요. "Surpass the limitations"라고 하면 더 흔하게 쓰이는 표현으로 'AI의 한계를 뛰어넘다'라는 의미가 되죠. "Bye" 대신 "Goodbye"를 쓰면 조금 더 정중해 보여요.