영어/영어 용법·표현

fast / quick / rapid

태뽕이 2021. 3. 18. 16:33

※ fast / quick / rapid


These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns:




Fast is used especially to describe a person or thing that moves or is able to move at great speed.



• Quick is more often used to describe something that is done in a short time or without delay.



• RapidSwift and Speedy are more formal words.

• Rapid is most commonly used to describe the speed at which something changes. It is not used to describe the speed at which something moves or is done:


a rapid train.

We had a rapid coffee.



Swift usually describes something that happens or is done quickly and immediately:


a swift decision.

The government took swift action.



Speedy has a similar meaning:


a speedy recovery.


It is used less often to talk about the speed at which something moves:


a speedy car.



• For the use of fast and quick as adverbs, NOTE AT.  quick.




※ fast / quick / rapid

이들 형용사는 다음 명사들과 흔히 함께 쓰인다.
fast~ : car / train / bowler / pace / lane

• quick~ : glance / look / reply / decision / way

rapid~ : change / growth / increase / decline / progress



Fast는 특히 빨리 움직이는 사람ㆍ사물 또는 그럴 능력이 있는 사람ㆍ사물을 묘사할 때 쓰인다.



Quick은 짧은 시간 내에 또는 지체 없이 이루어지는 일을 묘사하기 위해 더 흔히 쓰인다.


Rapid, Swift, Speedy는 더 격식적인 단어들이다.

Rapid는 어떤 것의 변화와 관련된 속도를 나타낼 때 가장 흔히 쓰인다.
무엇이 움직이거나 행해지는 속도를 나타낼 때에는 쓰이지 않는다:

a rapid train.
We had a rapid coffee.


Swift는 보통 어떤 일이 빠르게, 즉각 일어나거나 행해짐을 나타낸다:

a swift decision.

신속한 결정
The government took swift action. 

정부가 신속한 조치를 취했다.


• Speedy도 비슷한 뜻을 나타낸다:
a speedy recovery.

빠른 회복.


이 단어는 어떤 것이 이동하는 속도의 빠르기를 나타낼 때는 잘 쓰이지 않는다:
a speedy car.



부사로 쓰인 fastquick의 쓰임에 대해서는 quick에 나오는 용법 설명을 참조하라.
