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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

66일 습관의 법칙/01: Speaking

66일차. Framework Agreement: 기본협정

태뽕이 2022. 5. 1. 10:47

Framework Agreement: 기본협정 
특정 목적을 추진하기 위한 '기본틀'에 관한 국가간의 합의를 말한다. 포괄적인 협력에 관한 내용을 규정하고 있다. 최근엔 FTA가 협력분야로서 포함되기도 한다. 예를들어 '중-아세안 포괄적 경제협력에 관한 기본협정(Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation)'이 있으며, 우리나라는 유럽연합(EU)과 지난 96년 체결한 '한-EU 기본협력협정'(Korea-EU Framework Agreement on Trade and Cooperation, 2001.4 발효)등 이 있다.

출처: [네이버 지식백과] 기본협정 [Framework Agreement] (한경 경제용어사전)




Framework agreement
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the context of negotiations, a framework agreement is an agreement between two parties that recognizes that the parties have not come to a final agreement on all matters relevant to the relationship between them, but have come to agreement on enough matters to move forward with the relationship, with further details to be agreed to in the future.

In the context of procurement, a framework agreement is an agreement between one or more businesses or organisations, "the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged".[1]


출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Framework_agreement




Framework agreements
Framework agreements are arrangements between one or more buyers and one or more suppliers that provide the terms governing contracts to be established for a certain period of time, in particular with regard to price and, where necessary, the quantity envisaged. Other repetitive conditions known in advance, such as the place of delivery, may be included. They are also called blanket purchase agreements and master ordering agreements. Essentially, they are intended to provide expeditious ordering of commonly used, off-the-shelf goods, purchased on the basis of lowest price. Examples of such goods are printing supplies, stationery, computers and software, and pharmaceutical supplies.


출처: https://tfig.unece.org/contents/framework-agreements.htm
