목록영어/YouTube & 영자신문 & 영작 (143)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
🙋♀️Q1. What are you doing to grow your career (or yourself)? And why are you learning English?(당신은 커리어(또는 자기 자신)를 성장시키기 위해 무엇을 하고 있나요? 그리고 왜 영어를 배우고 있나요?) C2-Level Answer:To advance my career, I am continuously honing my expertise in brand marketing, franchise management, and digital optimization. I actively seek out new strategies to enhance customer engagement and business growth while keepi..
1. Do you chat with your coworkers during work?English:It depends on the situation. If I’m working on something that requires deep concentration, I try to minimize small talk. However, during breaks or while working on team projects, I do engage in casual conversations with my coworkers. I believe small talk helps create a more comfortable work environment and strengthens relationships. If I wer..

Is there an objective good, or is morality purely subjective?객관적인 선이 존재하나요, 아니면 도덕은 순전히 주관적인가요?*출처: https://youtu.be/GuXBQ-pU3aA?si=mw9ihQoqeezD5UhU&t=1023
Part 1: Understanding the Issue 1. Why do you think color analysis is becoming more popular on social media?Color analysis is becoming more popular on social media because we have become a highly visual society. With platforms like TikTok and Instagram focusing on visual content, people are more interested in finding colors that make them look vibrant and confident. Social media has also made i..
How to Survive in the Workplace[직장생활 꿀팁]https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EeUVoZns7J4 1. Engage in small talk.1. 잡담하세요. 2. When someone asks, "What do you want to eat?" don't say, "Anything is fine."2. "뭐 먹을래?"라고 물어보면, "아무거나"라고 하지 마세요. 3. Prepare your outfit the night before.3. 내일 입을 옷을 전날 밤에 준비하세요. 4. Position yourself strategically.4. 포지셔닝하세요. 5. Act like you're good at your job.5. 일 잘하는 ..
#갓생 I spend time unwinding with a book or a hobby before going to bed. I set clear boundaries between work and personal time. I make sure to unplug from work in the evenings and dedicate time to family, friends, and hobbies. Prioritizing self-care also helps maintain a healthy balance. ---------------------------------------------------------------. 독서나 취미 활동을 하며 긴장을 풀고 잠자리에 든다. 나는 업무와 개인 시간을 명확..
However, I have heard mixed reviews from freelancers using Kmong or Soomgo, particularly regarding payment security and fair treatment by clients. 다만, Kmong이나 Soomgo를 사용하는 프리랜서들의 경우, 특히 결제 안전성과 고객으로부터의 공정한 대우에 대해 혼재된 의견을 들은 적이 있어요. Another acquaintance is a freelance translator, and while he appreciates being able to set his own schedule, he sometimes struggles with late payments and fluctuating..

.*출처: https://youtu.be/XYgA2f-Ltjo?si=rbk16AspzTqo9gVj*링크: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YcmCp4odligf5q1Vx2xpu3xxpZAh0_WY/view?usp=sharing(2025-02-14) What would you do to Verb.mp4drive.google.com
✅ "What if your significant other falls into a coma? What would you do?" ✅ "Or what if your significant other falls ill with an incurable disease and can no longer express their will?" What would you do?" ✅ "Or what if your significant other is diagnosed with an incurable disease and loses the ability to express their wishes?" What would you do?" ✅ "Would you be able to support and take care of ..
Honesty always has to be honest. Honesty is really easy. Just tell the truth. But honesty doesn’t have to happen in the moment. For example, I went to see a friend of mine’s play, and it was easily the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. If she wasn’t in it, I would have walked out. It was awful. And at the end of the performance, I hung out with my close friends and family in the foye..