목록66일 습관의 법칙/03: EF 온라인 영어 (92)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
95일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 4. WRITING A HOTEL REVIEW - [Hotel review] ※ You're going to read a hotel review, then write about a hotel you stayed in. Use short, simple sentence forms. Type in the input box. Write 50-70 words. Use your own words where possible. HotelsAroundTheWorld.com Recently was at Stone Square Hotel in London. Overall, very good experience. Fantastic location in Chelsea, ..
94일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 4. WRITING A HOTEL REVIEW - [Hotel review] ※ Writing an online hotel review *Online hotel reviews have some special characteristics. They are short and not always written in complete sentences. Your review may be read by hundreds of people, so give a fair and balanced view. Notice these characteristics in the review below. Good location and facilities, room servic..
93일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 4. WRITING A HOTEL REVIEW - [Strong feelings] [LEO] Here you go. [FRANK] Ah! Cheers, mate. [FRANK] Hey ... I haven't seen you around the office the last couple weeks. [LEO] Yeah, I've just come back from a business trip. [FRANK] Oh, sorry. I forgot all about it. Uh, how was your trip? @[LEO] Very productive. We got a lot done. [FRANK] Oh, OK. Where did you stay? [..
92일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 4. WRITING A HOTEL REVIEW - [Describing a hotel] ※ Describing a hotel *Here are some ways to describe a hotel experience. It's a very upscale hotel with lots of amenities. The staff was very attentive and friendly. The room was very spacious, and the bathroom was very luxurious. It even had a spa! The carpet in the lobby was in poor condition. The concierge was in..
91일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 3. GETTING HELP FROM THE CONCIERGE - [Talking with the concierge] ※ Ask the concierge to help you plan your day. At the blank, make a decision. Listen, then record the correct reply. A. For later, what I was thinking about was a nightclub. C. OK. Could you take care of the bookings for me? A. Do I need tickets or anything? A. Thanks! I really appreciate it.
90일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 3. GETTING HELP FROM THE CONCIERGE - [Confirming arrangements] ※ Confirming arrangements *When you have decided what you want to do, confirm with the concierge that everything is complete. A: So, I'm OK for both the restaurant and the nightclub? B: Yes. You're all set. A: It sounds as if it's all taken care of. B: Yes. I've made all the arrangements. A: Do I need ..

89일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 3. GETTING HELP FROM THE CONCIERGE - [Extra information with 'which'] ※ Adding information with *which* *To add extra information to a sentence, you can use a clause with which. Notice that, because these clauses add non-essential information, there is a comma (,) to mark off the clause. The river cruise, which would show you some of London's most famous monuments..
88일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 3. GETTING HELP FROM THE CONCIERGE - [Making arrangements] [CONCIERGE] Good afternoon, sir. How may I be of assistance? [LEO] I was wondering if you could help me with my plans for tonight. [CONCIERGE] All right. Uh, yes, we have three options. The first is a double-decker bus. [CONCIERGE] The second is the river cruise, which is quite beautiful at night ... [CONC..
87일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 2. RESOLVING PROBLEMS WITH A ROOM - [Dealing with room problems] ※ You have two problems with your hotel room. Call the front desk for help. Listen, then record the correct reply. C. No, I don't mind holding.
86일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 2. RESOLVING PROBLEMS WITH A ROOM - [Hotel service] Getting good service anywhere Good service is available at almost every hotel. You just need to know how to ask for it. Experts in the hotel business agree that it doesn't hurt to ask, but how you ask makes all the difference. Guests who are clear with their requests without being too demanding will get the best ..