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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

92일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 4. WRITING A HOTEL REVIEW - [Describing a hotel] 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/03: EF 온라인 영어

92일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 4. WRITING A HOTEL REVIEW - [Describing a hotel]

태뽕이 2022. 12. 7. 02:12

92일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 4. WRITING A HOTEL REVIEW - [Describing a hotel]

※ Describing a hotel

*Here are some ways to describe a hotel experience.

It's a very upscale hotel with lots of amenities.

The staff was very attentive and friendly.

The room was very spacious, and the bathroom was very luxurious. It even had a spa!

The carpet in the lobby was in poor condition.

The concierge was incompetent and disorganized.

The level of cleanliness could have been better.

• upscale /ˌʌpˈskeɪl/

[usually before noun] (North American English)

(also especially British English upmarket)

-designed for or used by people who belong to a high social class or have a lot of money

OPPOSITE downscale

: [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 상류층[부자들]을 대상으로 한, 고급[고가]의


an upmarket restaurant

                               고급 식당


[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]

*Upscale is used with these nouns:

accommodation, clientele  /ˌklaɪənˈtel/, neighbourhood, restaurant, retailer, shopping centre, suburb




※ Listen and record what you hear.

The front desk staff was very attentive to our needs.

• attentive /əˈtentɪv/

1-listening or watching carefully and with interest

: 주의[귀]를 기울이는


an attentive audience

                               귀를 기울이는 청중들

He listened, quiet and attentive.


2-helpful; making sure that people have what they need

: 배려하는, 신경을 쓰는


The hotel staff are friendly and attentive.

                               그 호텔 직원들은 친절하고 세심하다.

*attentive to somebody/something

Ministers should be more attentive to the needs of families.

                               장관들은 가족들이 필요로 하는 것에 더 신경을 써야 한다.

Our host was most attentive.




The concierge was incompetent and disorganized.

• disorganized /dɪsˈɔːrɡənaɪzd/

(British English also disorganised)

(also less frequent • unorganized, -ised)

-badly planned; not able to plan or organize well

COMPARE organized

: 계획이 잘못된; (사람이) 체계적이지 못한


It was a hectic disorganized weekend.

                               그 주말은 제대로 계획이 안 세워져 정신이 없었다.

She's so disorganized.

                               그녀는 너무 체계적이지를 못하다.

Don’t expect him to get there on time—he’s completely disorganized.
