태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
89일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 3. GETTING HELP FROM THE CONCIERGE - [Extra information with 'which'] 본문
89일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 3. GETTING HELP FROM THE CONCIERGE - [Extra information with 'which']
태뽕이 2022. 12. 3. 00:0589일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 3. GETTING HELP FROM THE CONCIERGE - [Extra information with 'which']
※ Adding information with *which*
*To add extra information to a sentence, you can use a clause with which. Notice that, because these clauses add non-essential information, there is a comma (,) to mark off the clause.
The river cruise, which would show you some of London's most famous monuments, includes dinner.
I don't recommend the double-decker bus, which is crowded and noisy.
The Ink Spot, which is very near here, often has famous jazz bands.
• double-decker /ˌdʌbl ˈdekər/
1-a bus with two floors, one on top of the other
COMPARE single-decker
: 이층 버스
2-(North American English) a sandwich made from three pieces of bread with two layers of food between them
: (세 조각의 빵을 겹쳐 만든) 이중 샌드위치