태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
49일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Opening an online meeting] 본문
49일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Opening an online meeting]
태뽕이 2022. 10. 24. 23:1449일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Opening an online meeting]
[JANET] Who's on your end?
[JANET] We have a short agenda today – just an update on the software project and a brief announcement.
※ Opening an online meeting
*When you kick off an online meeting, you might need to clarify who is attending it.
Good afternoon. Who's on your end?
Good morning, Karen. Who's in the room with you?
*You might also have to make sure the technology is working for everyone.
Can everyone hear all right?
Can everyone see all right?
*Then you're ready to begin.
OK, so let's get started.
We have three items on the agenda today.
Does anyone have anything they'd like to add to the agenda?
#Phrasal verb - kick off
• kick off
-when a football (soccer) game or a team, etc. kicks off, the game starts
RELATED NOUN. kick-off
: (축구) 경기가 시작되다[경기를 시작하다]
2-to suddenly become angry or violent
: 버럭 화를 내다; 갑자기 난폭해지다
• kick off (with something)
-(informal) to start
: (~을) 시작하다
What time shall we kick off?
우리 몇 시에 시작하지?
And then it all kicked off.
Tom will kick off with a few comments.
톰이 몇 마디 논평과 함께 시작할 거예요.
• kick off something
-(informal) to start a discussion, a meeting, an event, etc.
: (토론·회의·행사 등을) 시작하다
Who is going to kick off the discussion?
• kick something ↔ off
-to remove something by kicking
: (신발 등을) 차서 벗다
They dropped their bags in the front hall and kicked off their shoes.
to kick off your shoes
신발을 차 벗어 던지다
JAKE: No problem. My headset is really sensitive. Anyway, the two items I'd like to discuss with you today are the software project and also some news regarding our CFO. Did either of you have anything you'd like to add to the agenda?
HELEN: Not me.
TERRY: Me neither.