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14일차. Korea Certification; 국가통합인증마크 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/05: 회사 직무 2)

14일차. Korea Certification; 국가통합인증마크

태뽕이 2023. 6. 28. 23:15

※ Korea Certification

Korea Certification (국가통합인증마크, pictured below) is referred to the national standard certification of electrical goods and consumer products which shall be obtained for the enhanced safety of electrical appliances and consumer products pursuant to a newly amended law coming into force on January 28, 2017.


Previously 13 national certificates were issued by five ministries and government agencies, individually to confirm the safety of electrical appliances and consumer products. Those different certification marks shall be consolidated into one KC mark.


[One sentence tip] 종래 전기용품 등에 대한 13개의 법정 인증마크가 2017년 1월 전안법의 시행에 따라 KC라고 하는 국가통합인증마크로 통합되어 시행되고 있다.



✅ Contents [hide]

1 Keywords

2 Statutory ground

3 Impact to retailers

4 References


✅ Keywords

safety certification, electrical appliances, consumer goods, quick sales and small profits (박리다매/薄利多賣)




✅ Statutory ground

Korea Certification (국가통합인증마크) is mandatorily obtained pursuant to the Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act[1] (전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법/電安法).[2]

The purpose of the Act is to protect the lives, bodies, and property of people and promote the benefits and safety of consumers by providing matters related to safety control of electrical appliances and consumer products.




✅ Impact to retailers

Upon entry into force on January 28, 2017, the Act shall force vendors of the relevant goods to obtain KC certification in due course. Since all retailers, who deal with electrical goods and consumer products subject to KC certification, are required to sell such goods only, the relevant goods should obtain KC certification without exception whatever time and cost are consumed.[3]


Though big corporations relying on mass production and large scale distribution are little affected by the new Act, small-sized manufacturers and distributors depending on quick sales and small profits are seemingly hard hit by the Act.[4] In particular, a number of Internet shopping malls which are dealing with small quantity of fashion articles of a short lifecycle are worried about the outcome of the Act. To make matters worse, the Internet open markets including Auction and G Market declared that they will drop those goods without KC mark from their catalogs.[5]




✅ References

[1] The English translation of the Act is available here.

[2] The Act was passed by the National Assembly on December 31, 2015 and promulgated on January 27, 2016 with a grace period for one year.

[3] 의류의 경우 KC인증을 받으려면 건당 20만∼30만원가량이 드는데 인증받지 않은 제품을 판매하는 경우 최대 500만원의 과태료를 물게 된다.

[4] 전안법이 시행되더라도 대량 생산과 대량 유통이 기본인 대기업은 큰 영향을 받지 않겠지만 취급 물량이 매우 적거나 박리다매 방식으로 운영하는 영세 제조·유통업체들은 타격을 입을 것으로 보인다.

[5] Hankyoreh, "10K won T-shirts could disappear due to new Consumer Goods Safety Act" January 24, 2017.


출처: http://www.koreanlii.or.kr/w/index.php/Korea_Certification?ckattempt=1#cite_note-1
