태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
※ 보상(금), 배상(금) 관련 본문
• indemnity /ɪnˈdemnəti/
1-protection against damage or loss, especially in the form of a promise to pay for any damage or loss that happens
: (배상·보상의) 보장, 배상, 보상
*indemnity (against something)
an indemnity clause/fund/policy
indemnity insurance
2-[countable] a sum of money that is given as payment for damage or loss
: 배상[보상]금; (승전국이 요구하는) 배상금
Our client will seek an indemnity from the vendor for a breach of contract.
• reparation /ˌrepəˈreɪʃn/
1-reparations [plural] money that is paid by a country that has lost a war, for the damage, injuries, etc. that it has caused
: (reparations) (패전국이 지불하는) 배상금
2-[uncountable] the act of giving something to somebody or doing something for them in order to show that you are sorry that you have caused them to suffer
: 배상, 보상
*make reparation.
Offenders should be forced to make reparation to the community.
• compensation
1-[uncountable, countable] something, especially money, that somebody gives you because they have hurt you, or damaged something that you own; the act of giving this to somebody
: U, C, 보상(금)
*compensation (for something)
*in compensation (for something)
to claim/award/receive compensation
The employer has a duty to pay full compensation for injuries received at work.
to receive £10 000 in compensation
2-[uncountable] (especially North American English) money that an employee receives for doing their job
=remuneration /rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃn/
: 보수
Send your CV and current compensation to Executive Search Consultant.
3-[countable, usually plural, uncountable] compensation (for something) a thing or things that make a bad situation better
: C, 주로 복수로 (좋지 않은 점을 완화해 주는) 보상[이득]
I wish I were young again, but getting older has its compensations.
나는 다시 젊어졌으면 하는 바람도 있지만, 나이를 먹는 것도 나름대로 좋은 점들이 있다.
• recompense /ˈrekəmpens/
-something, usually money, that you are given because you have suffered in some way, or as a payment for something
: U, 보상, 배상(보통 돈)
*recompense (for somebody/something)
*in recompense (for something)
There must be adequate recompense for workers who lose their jobs.
I received $1 000 in recompense for loss of earnings.
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