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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)】 진행합니다. carriver77@naver.com


자기개발 718

78일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [Writing an apology letter]

78일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [Writing an apology letter] ※ Writing an apology letter *One way to sincerely apologize for something is to write the person a letter or email. Here are some steps to do this. First, keep the greeting simple. Dear Mr. Paulson, Early in the letter, refer to the fact that you are writing to apologize. I wanted to write yo..

77일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [The perfect apology]

77일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [The perfect apology] • heartfelt /ˈhɑːrtfelt/ [usually before noun] -showing strong feelings that are sincere SYNONYM sincere : [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 진심 어린 e.g.) a heartfelt apology/plea/sigh 진심 어린 사과/탄원/탄식 heartfelt sympathy/thanks 진심 어린 연민/감사 Ref) [Oxford Collocations Dictionary] *Heartfelt is used with these nouns: apology, ..

76일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [Comparing with 'as ... as']

76일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [Comparing with 'as ... as'] ※ Comparisons with 'as ... as' *Use as + adjective + as to say two things are or are not equal in some way. He wasn't as embarrassed as I was. *Comparisons with 'as … as' can also be modified with adverbs or adverbial phrases. The situation was not nearly as awkward as I had feared. Her comm..

75일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [Apologizing and responding to apologies]

75일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 4. WRITING A LETTER OF APOLOGY - [Apologizing and responding to apologies] [NANCY] We didn't plan on being so rude! [BOB] And I can promise you that Emma is nowhere near as crazy as we are; [BOB] I was, uh, way out of line, and I apologize sincerely. • out of order 1-of a machine, etc.) not working correctly : (기계 등이) 고장난 e.g.) The phone is out of orde..

74일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Managing awkward situations]

74일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Managing awkward situations] ※ You and a colleague are trying to manage an awkward situation. Listen, then record the correct reply. A. Yes, that's right. You shouldn't have. A. Not good enough. Apologize right now! C. Don't apologize to me. Apologize to her.

73일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Responding to awkward situations]

73일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Responding to awkward situations] ※ Responding to awkward situations *When you are in an awkward situation, you can respond in a number of ways. For example, you can try to explain yourself (explain yourself). I was only trying to help. I didn't mean to upset them. *They might deny (deny) that they did or said someth..

72일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Criticizing and responding to criticism]

72일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Criticizing and responding to criticism] [BOB] The door's a bit tough, so you might have to give it a hard pull. [NANCY] I don't want my daughter making the same mistake I did, getting married young and then missing out on all those opportunities. ※ Criticizing and responding to criticism *Criticism can either be dir..

71일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Expressions for life events]

71일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 3. MANAGING AN AWKWARD SITUATION - [Expressions for life events] [EMMA] Mum, you've given him three helpings already. • helping -helping (of something) an amount of food given to somebody at a meal SYNONYM serving : (식사 때 한 사람 몫으로 덜어 주는 음식의) 양[그릇] a small/generous helping 조금/듬뿍 담은 양 We all had a second helping of pie. 우리는 모두 파이를 두 그릇[번]씩 먹었다. [BOB] We'..

"작자 미상" 『실력 판독기』

실력의 부족함 1. 해 봐야 압니다. 2. 이거 하면 저거는 못해요. 3. 기획서에 구멍이 너무 많아요. 4. 이거 한다고 대박 나는 건······. 5. 이게 이 정도로 해야 될 일인가요? 실력이 있는 경우 네! 1주 정도면 될 것 같은데, 하던 거 마무리 짓고 진행할게요. 최종 일정은 변경되겠지만, 확인해 보고 공유하겠습니다. ⇒ 아무것도 아닌 일처럼 진행됨.

거래명세서의 증빙효력 여부 및 전표작성 시 증빙첨부 여부

기업체나 개인과의 거래에 있어서 관련 증빙(영수증) 수취는 크게 "법정증빙" 과 "사적증빙"으로 구분할 수 있습니다. "법정증빙"은 세법에서 정한 증빙으로 수취여부에 따라 가산세 등 각종 제재가 뒤따르게 됩니다. "사적증빙"은 세법에서는 인정을 받을 수 없으나 거래상대방과의 거래사실을 객관적으로 입증을 할 수 있으며 상거래와 관련한 각종 법적인 문제가 발생 시 거래사실을 확인하는 주요 증빙으로 주로 거래사실을 확인하는 "거래명세서"와 같은 "거래증빙"과 회사 내부관리 목적상의 "품의서나 기안서"등 내부증빙으로 사용하는 "내부증빙"으로 구분할 수 있습니다. 즉 거래명세서(표)는 법적증빙이 아니라는 점 유념하시길 바랍니다."거래명세서"라 함은 공급한 자와 공급 받은 자의 인적사항. 거래일자. 거래내용. 공급..
