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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

04일차. 2023-11-18. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2023. 11. 21. 23:35

√ I just wanted to talk about the social phenomenon of quiet quitting and quiet firing. Have you heard of those terms?


Root causes for quiet quitting can include a toxic work environment, poor communication, or mismatched expectations.


√ I have the perception that the most contributing factor to quiet quitting is the mismatched expectations between their desired work and the actual one they do.


√ I'd like to elaborate further on the root cause of mismatched work expectations.


√ First, the job description is too simplified on the job posting website.

And secondly, the actual job description doesn't match what they expected it to be.


Those are valid points.


√ I would be able to use my English skills, as I wanted to pursue a job that required me to use English.


√ In that team, I was a junior staff member and took care of various miscellaneous and repetitious work.

Of course, my job wouldn’t be intense or highly valuable since I was just a junior.

• repetitious / • repetitive / • monotonous / • dull / • mundane


√ I couldn't find any lessons or value in the job.


√ I've never brought up sensitive and tricky issues with the HR Team because I don't want to come across as a pessimistic employee. However, if it were to report these issues, the HR Team might see me as a demanding employee. I don’t want to be perceived that way, as it could affect my performance evaluation and give me a negative reputation.


√ I don’t think there are many people who I can share my secrets with.


Quiet firing refers to companies creating a hostile work environment or taking actions to force an employee to quit.
