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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

05일차. 2023-11-19. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2023. 11. 23. 01:39

√ They don’t want to enthusiastically handle any work or take on tasks voluntarily.


√ ~~~ and explore possible solutions to address these issues.


√ ~~~ they tend to seek passive work.


What other factors do you think play a role?


√ ~~~ perhaps the pessimistic environment in Korean society plays a role.

Unlike the past generations like baby boomers, the current MZ generations now live in times of scarcity. So they don’t even dream of having the desired apartment or lifestyle, even if they work very hard and earn a lot.


√ work-life-balance has always been a contributing factor to job satisfaction.


How about implementing employee feedback systems and fostering a positive work culture to address job dissatisfaction and improve employee morale?


√ sometimes implementing employee feedback systems can be superficial. ~~~ but employees might now want to stand out or be seen as a troublemaker, so they may give dishonest answers.

As a result, the feedback system may not work properly due to incorrect answer, and it might still hide the company's flaws or employees' dissatisfaction.


Creating a safe, anonymous feedback environment and following up with action plans can help address quiet quitting and firing.


√ ~~~ if employers or the HR Team really wanted to find out who gave bad answers, negative reviews, or critical testimonial, they could find out intentionally. So that's a problem.

If someone is caught giving negative or even constructive feedback, even if it's genuinely concrete, they might be fired.


Building a culture of open communication and trust can help address the fear of retaliation for giving honest feedback.


It can indeed take time to change cultural norms, but small steps toward open communication and trust can make a difference. Don’t lose hope!


√ Compared to the past generation, there has been significant improvement in the work environment and cultural norms. It has advanced leaps and bounds. There is still progress to be made.


√ I still don’t think that fostering better work and workplaces can be achieved by only the private sector's effort. Perhaps the governmental or official sector's effort is necessary.


√ Korean society should move away from the extremely competitive business world.

Many people and workers are obsessed with competition and climbing the corporate ladder. We need to evacuate from this toxic culture jeopardizing us and seek more balanced lives.


Finding a balance between work and personal life is vital for overall well-being. Encouraging a more holistic approach to success can help alleviate the pressure of the competitive business world.


√ We shouldn’t only focus on money or promotions at work. We also need to consider our future plans, what we want to achieve, and our career paths.

In this sense, we need to identify what is urgently needed and prepared for the future. That is true meaning of a holistic approach to success in our lives.


Taking a holistic approach to success involves considering our long-term goals, personal values, and overall well-being. It's about finding fulfillment and ego gratification beyond money and promotions.

