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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

영단어, 숙어 공부. 2023-11-25 본문

영어/YouTube & 영자신문 & 영작

영단어, 숙어 공부. 2023-11-25

태뽕이 2023. 11. 25. 01:05

• zeitgeist /ˈzaɪtɡaɪst/

[singular] (from German, formal)

-the general mood or quality of a particular period of history, as shown by the ideas, beliefs, etc. common at the time

SYNONYM spirit (6)

: sing. 독어에서, 격식 시대정신



• spirit

6-<TYPICAL QUALITY> [singular] the typical or most important quality or mood of something

: (전형적인·가장 중요한 특질을 나타내는) 정신

*spirit of something

The exhibition captures the spirit of the age/times.

            그 전시회는 시대정신을 포착해 놓고 있다.



• 시대정신: spirit of the times



• overextend /ˌəʊvərɪkˈstend/

-to be involved in more work or activities, or to spend more money, than you can manage without problems

: 문제 없이 감당할 수 있는 것보다 더 많은 일이나 활동에 참여하거나 더 많은 돈을 지출하는 것


*overextend yourself

They should not overextend themselves on the mortgage.

            그들이 담보 대출을 너무 지나치게 내면 안 된다.



• outright /ˈaʊtraɪt/

[only before noun]

[명사 앞에만 씀]

1-complete and total

: 완전한, 전면적인


an outright ban/rejection/victory

            전면 금지/전적인 거부/완전한 승리

She was the outright winner.

            그녀는 완전한 승자였다.

No one party is expected to gain an outright majority.

            어느 한 정당도 완전한 과반수를 얻지는 못할 것으로 예상된다.


2-open and direct

: 노골적인, 명백한


There was outright opposition to the plan.

            그 계획에 대해서는 노골적인 반대가 있었다.



• outright

1-in a direct way and without trying to hide anything

: 노골적으로, 드러내 놓고


Why don't you ask him outright if it's true?

            그에게 그게 사실이냐고 툭 까놓고 물어보지 그러니?

She couldn't help herself and she laughed outright.

            그녀는 자신도 어쩔 수 없어서 드러내 놓고 웃고 말았다.


2-clearly and completely

: 명백히, 완전히, 전면적으로


Neither candidate won outright.

            어느 후보도 명백한 승리를 거두지는 못했다.

The group rejects outright any negotiations with the government.

            그 단체는 정부와의 어떠한 협상도 전면 거부하고 있다.


3-not gradually; immediately

: 즉석에서, 즉각


@Most of the crash victims were killed outright.

            그 충돌 사고 희생자들 대부분이 즉사했다.

We had saved enough money to buy the house outright.

            우리는 그 집을 즉각 살 수 있을 정도로 충분한 저축이 되어 있었다.



• zeitgeist /ˈzaɪtɡaɪst/

[singular] (from German, formal)

-the general mood or quality of a particular period of history, as shown by the ideas, beliefs, etc. common at the time

SYNONYM spirit (6)

: sing. 독어에서, 격식 시대정신



• spirit

6-<TYPICAL QUALITY> [singular] the typical or most important quality or mood of something

: (전형적인·가장 중요한 특질을 나타내는) 정신

*spirit of something

The exhibition captures the spirit of the age/times.

            그 전시회는 시대정신을 포착해 놓고 있다.



• 시대정신: spirit of the times



• overextend /ˌəʊvərɪkˈstend/

-to be involved in more work or activities, or to spend more money, than you can manage without problems

: 문제 없이 감당할 수 있는 것보다 더 많은 일이나 활동에 참여하거나 더 많은 돈을 지출하는 것


*overextend yourself

They should not overextend themselves on the mortgage.

            그들이 담보 대출을 너무 지나치게 내면 안 된다.




• pull/drag yourself up by your (own) bootstraps /ˈbuːtstræps/

• pull/haul yourself up by the/your (own) bootstraps

-(informal) to improve your situation yourself, without help from other people - 옥스포드

-to improve your situation without any help from other people: - 캠브릿지

: 남의 도움 없이 일어서다[곤경을 벗어나다]


He left school at 15 and pulled himself up by his bootstraps to ultimately head up a company.



• rack up something

-to collect something, such as profits or losses in a business, or points in a competition

: (사업상의 수익·손실을) 보다[얻다], (시합에서 점수를) 쌓아올리다


The company racked up $200 million in losses in two years.

            그 회사는 2년 만에 2억 달러의 손실을 보았다.

In ten years of boxing he racked up a record 176 wins.

            권투 선수 생활 10년 만에 그는 기록적인 176승을 쌓아올렸다.



• Parlance /ˈpɑːrləns/

[uncountable] (formal)

-a particular way of using words or expressing yourself, for example one used by a particular group

: U 격식 (특정 집단 등의) 말투[어법/용어]

in common/legal/modern parlance

            상투적인 말투로/법률적 용어로/현대적인 어법으로

A Munro, in climbing parlance, is a Scottish mountain exceeding 3,000 feet.

            ‘먼로’란 등산 용어로 3 000피트를 넘는 스코틀랜드 산이다[산을 말한다].

The word ‘modem’ entered common parlance in the 1990s.



• jarring /ˈdʒɑːr.ɪŋ/

-a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone:

: 불쾌감을 주는·신경에 거슬리는·신경을 건드리는 광경, 소리 또는 경험은 너무 다르거나 예상치 못한 것이므로 무언가 또는 누군가에게 강력하고 불쾌한 영향을 미칩니다.

a jarring cry/chord

jarring colours

a jarring experience



• Outplacement /ˈaʊtpleɪsmənt/

[uncountable] (business)

-the process of helping people to find new jobs after they have been made unemployed

: U 상업 재취업 주선



• severance /ˈsevərəns/

[singular, uncountable] (formal)

1-the act of ending a connection or relationship

: 단절


the severance of diplomatic relations

            외교 관계 단절


2-the act of ending somebody’s work contract

: 고용 계약 해지, 해고


employees given notice of severance

            고용 계약 해지 통고를 받은 피고용자[직원]들

severance pay/terms

            퇴직금/퇴직 조건


• 퇴직금과 수당

: severance package

-A severance package is pay and benefits that employees may be entitled to receive when they leave employment at a company unwillfully. In addition to their remaining regular pay, it may include some of the following

-Any additional payment based on months of service

-Payment for unused accrued PTO vacation time, holiday pay or sick leave unless the employee is picked up by the new buyer wherein all benefits become the responsibility of the new employer.

-COBRA insurance, or healthcare benefits through a certain period of time.

-A payment in lieu of a required notice period.

-Retirement accounts

-Stock options

-Commission Payments

-Assistance in searching for new work, such as access to employment services or help in producing a résumé.[1] - 위키피디아



• Purgatory /ˈpɜːrɡətɔːri/


1-(usually Purgatory) (in Roman Catholic teaching) a place or state in which the souls of dead people suffer for the bad things they did when they were living, so that they can become pure enough to go to heaven

: (보통 Purgatory) (가톨릭에서) 연옥


2-(informal, humorous) any place or state in which somebody suffers

COMPARE hell (2)

: 비격식, 유머 지옥 (같은 곳[상태])


Getting up at four o’clock every morning is sheer purgatory.

            매일 아침 4시에 일어나는 것은 그야말로 지옥 같은 일이다.



• unemployment benefit /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt benɪfɪt/

(British English)

(US English • unemployment compensation, • unemployment)


(also • unemployment benefits [plural] British and North American English)

-money paid by the government to somebody who is unemployed

: 실업 수당


people on (= receiving) unemployment benefit

            실업 수당을 받는 사람들

Applications for unemployment benefits dropped last month.

            지난달에는 실업 수당 신청 건수가 하락했다.

Since losing his job, Mike has been collecting unemployment.



• run through something

1-to discuss, repeat or read something quickly

: ~을 빨리[급히] 살펴보다

He ran through the names on the list.

            그는 명단의 이름들을 급히 살펴보았다.

Could we run through your proposals once again?

            당신의 제안들을 빨리 한 번 더 살펴볼까요?e.g.)


2-[no passive] to pass quickly through something

: [수동태로는 안 씀] ~ 속으로 (빠르게) 퍼지다[번지다]


An angry murmur ran through the crowd.

            성난 중얼거림이 군중들 사이로 퍼져 나갔다.

Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind.

            복수에 대한 생각이 그의 마음속에서 계속 번졌다.


3-[no passive] to be present in every part of something

: [수동태로는 안 씀] ~에 가득하다[넘치다]


A deep melancholy runs through her poetry.

            그녀의 시에는 깊은 우울이 가득하다.


4-to perform, act or practise something

: ~을 연기[연습]하다


Can we run through Scene 3 again, please?

            3장을 한 번 더 연습해 볼까요?


5-to use up or spend money carelessly

: (돈을) 낭비하다[다 써 버리다]


She ran through the entire amount within two years.

            그녀는 그 금액 전부를 2년도 안 돼서 다 써 버렸다.



• reassign /ˌriːəˈsaɪn/

[often passive]

[VN][흔히 수동태로]

1-to give somebody a different duty, position or responsibility

: 타동사 (어떤 사람에게 다른 임무·직책·책임을) 다시 맡기다, 새로 발령내다


*reassign somebody (to something)

After his election defeat he was reassigned to the diplomatic service.

            After his election defeat he was reassigned to the diplomatic service.


2-to give something to a different person or organization; to change the status of something

: 타동사 (어떤 것을 다른 사람·기관에게) 다시 맡기다[이관하다]; 지위[신분]를 변경하다


*reassign something (to somebody/something)

The case was reassigned to a different court.

            그 사건은 다른 법정으로 재이관되었다.
