• banish /ˈbænɪʃ/
1-[usually passive] to order somebody to leave a place, especially a country, as a punishment
SYNONYM exile, expel
: (처벌로써 특히 국외로) 추방하다, 유형[유배]을 보내다
*banish somebody (from…) (to…)
He was banished to Australia, where he died five years later.
그는 오스트레일리아로 유배되었다가 거기서 5년 뒤에 죽었다.
The children were banished from the dining room.
아이들은 벌로 식당에서 쫓겨났다.
He pleaded with the Queen not to banish him.
2-to make somebody/something go away; to get rid of somebody/something
: 사라지게 만들다; 제거하다, [공포·근심·생각 등을] […으로부터] 떨어버리다
= dispel
*banish somebody/something (from something)
The sight of food banished all other thoughts from my mind.
음식을 보자 내 마음속의 딴 생각들은 모두 사라졌다.
He was determined to banish all feelings of guilt.
She tried to banish these thoughts from her mind.
• dispel /dɪˈspel/
-to make something, especially a feeling or belief, go away or disappear
: (특히 느낌·믿음을) 떨쳐 버리다[없애다]
*dispel something
His speech dispelled any fears about his health.
그의 연설은 그의 건강에 대한 모든 우려를 없앴다.
*Dispel is used with these nouns as the object: anxiety, confusion, doubt, fear, gloom, illusion, misconception, myth, notion, perception, stereotype, suspicion
• exile /ˈeksaɪl/, /ˈeɡzaɪl/
1-[uncountable, singular] the state of being sent to live in another country that is not your own, especially for political reasons or as a punishment
: U, sing. 망명; 추방, 유배
*a place of exile
망명지[• 유배지]
He returned after 40 years of exile.
그는 40년간의 망명[유배] 생활에서 돌아왔다.
*in exile
He has lived in exile since 1989.
to be/live in exile
망명[유배] 중이다/망명[유배] 생활을 하다
*into exile
The whole family went into exile.
to be forced/sent into exile
망명해야 하게 되다[• 추방당하다/• 유배당하다]
to go into exile
망명을 하다[가다]
*in exile from…
Dante died in exile from Florence.
*somebody’s return from exile
2-[countable] a person who chooses, or is forced, to live away from his or her own country
: C 망명자; 추방[유배]된 사람
political exiles
정치적 망명자
a tax exile
(세금이 더 낮은 국가로 가는) 절세[탈세] 목적 망명자
• exile /ˈeksaɪl/, /ˈeɡzaɪl/
[usually passive]
-to force somebody to leave their country, especially for political reasons or as a punishment; to send somebody into exile
: 타동사 [VN 주로 수동태로] 망명을 가게 만들다; 추방[유배]하다
*be exiled (from…) (to…)
He was exiled to Siberia.
the party’s exiled leaders
그 당의 망명 지도자들
• expel /ɪkˈspel/
-to officially make somebody leave a school or an organization
: 퇴학시키다; 축출[제명]하다
*expel somebody (from something)
She was expelled from school at 15.
그녀는 15세 때 학교에서 퇴학당했다.
Olympic athletes expelled for drug-taking
약물 복용으로 제명당한 올림픽 육상 선수들
*be expelled from school
*get expelled from school
2-to force somebody to leave a country
: (어느 국가로부터) 쫓아내다[추방하다]
*expel somebody (from something)
Foreign journalists are being expelled.
외국 기자들이 추방당하고 있다.
His appeal failed and he was expelled from the country.
3-(specialist) to force air or water out of a part of the body or from a container
: 전문 용어 (공기나 물을) 배출[방출]하다
*expel something (from something)
Expel all the air from your chest.
to expel air from the lungs
폐에서 공기를 배출하다
• expatriate /ˌeksˈpeɪtriət/
-a person living in a country that is not their own
: (고국이 아닌) 국외 거주자
[참고] 외국으로 출장을 가거나 외국에 주재하고 있는 사원 등에 대해서도 씀. - 다음 사전
American expatriates in Paris
파리에 거주하는 미국인들
My family lived as expatriates in Hong Kong before I was born.
• expatriate /ˌeksˈpeɪtriət/
[only before noun]
-living in a country that is not your own
: (한정적) 국외로 추방된, 국적을 버린; 국외에 거주하는. 해외 주재하는, 해외 근무하는
[참고] 외국으로 출장을 가거나 외국에 주재하고 있는 사원 등에 대해서도 씀. - 다음 사전
expatriate Britons in Spain
스페인 거주 영국인들
expatriate workers
외국인 노동자 [• 외노자]
• asylum seeker /əˈsaɪləm siːkər/
-a person who has been forced to leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country asking to be allowed to stay there
: • 망명 신청자; 위험에 처해 조국을 떠나야 했던 사람이 다른 나라에 도착해 그 나라에 머물 수 있도록 해달라고 요청하는 사람
'영어 > 영어 용법·표현' 카테고리의 다른 글
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