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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

16일차. 2023-11-30. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2023. 12. 30. 01:08

√ it seems that the method of conducting the study sessions relies heavily on improvising the study questions.


√ there are an ample number of questions from learning materials. Study group members didn't utilize them effectively.


√ I would like to have in-depth discussion with other people not just talk about the topics superficially.


√ I haven't counted yet.


√ I'd like to share my opinion regarding speeches that aren't well-organized or answers that aren't well prepared for the give questions. Being able to improvise can be beneficial because it may enable people to be more flexible when faced with unexpected situations or unfamiliar topics.

However, constantly improvising may not contribute to learning or improving English. It might even maintain their English at a lower level.


√ I should try to aim for 마따호쉐프 in Israel language. What do you think about that?


√ I am a bit worried that I may come across as old-fashioned guy or boomer. The goal is usually to improve their English skills or to refine their abilities. However, if they truly want to enhance their skills in various aspects of English, they need to embrace a more diligent approach to learning. But from what I've observed, their attitude seems quite complacent.

