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• Civic consciousness ≒ • Civic Awareness and Engagement: 시민의식

태뽕이 2024. 3. 16. 23:23

• Civic consciousness
-Civic consciousness occurs when someone deliberately considers their role in the betterment of their society. A civic minded person is willing to serve their community, sacrifice their personal interests for the good of society, and believes everyone has a civic duty.
*출처: https://homework.study.com/explanation/what-is-civic-consciousness.html
≒ • Civic Awareness and Engagement

-Civic awareness and engagement refers to how people feel, learn about, and take actions related to political, societal, or local issues
*출처: https://carsey.unh.edu/what-is-new-hampshire/sections/civic-health-index/civic-awareness-engagement
: • 시민의식
[요약] 시민사회를 구성하고 있는 사람들의 생활태도 또는 마음의 자세.
역사적으로는 봉건제도를 타파하고 시민사회를 성립시킨 이념이다. 그러나 오늘날 시민의식이라고 하면, 단순히 프롤레타리아에 대한 부르주아 의식이나 도시주민으로서의 시민의식만을 말하는 것은 아니다. 이 의식은 사회를 구성하는 개인이 독립한 인간으로서 책임을 가지고 행동한다는 것, 즉 전근대적인 미망(迷妄)이나 비굴로부터 자신을 해방시키려는 생활태도를 말하며, 둘째로는 각자가 자유롭고 평등한 인간으로서 자신의 생활을 향상시키려는 입장에서 발언하는 태도, 셋째로는 정치적으로 민주주의의 기본을 지지하는 의식을 말한다.
그러므로 시민의식은 전근대적인 생활을 근대화하는 데 필요할 뿐만 아니라, 현대의 대중사회에 있어서도 긴요하다. 이것이 특정 지역사회와의 관련에서 포착되는 경우, 주민의식(住民意識)으로 구별되기도 한다.
*출처: [네이버 지식백과] 시민의식 [市民意識] (두산백과 두피디아, 두산백과)
