태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
#담보 #저당 #근저당 본문
#담보 #저당 #근저당
• collateral /kəˈlætərəl/
[uncountable] (finance)
-property or something valuable that you promise to give to somebody if you cannot pay back money that you borrow
We had put our house up as collateral for our bank loan.
: U 금융. 담보물
• pledge /pledʒ/
1-a serious promise
SYNONYM commitment
: (굳은) 약속, 맹세, 서약
*pledge (of something)
a pledge of support 지지[후원](하겠다는) 약속
*pledge to do something
Will the government honour its election pledge not to raise taxes?
정부가 세금을 올리지 않겠다는 선거 공약을 지킬 것인가?
to fulfil/break/abandon a pledge
*pledge that...
Management has given a pledge that there will be no job losses this year.
경영진이 올해는 감원이 없을 것임을 맹세했다.
• pledge of allegiance / əˈli dʒəns / : 국기에 대한 맹세
2-a sum of money or something valuable that you leave with somebody to prove that you will do something or pay back money that you owe
: 저당[담보](금)
• collateral security
: 근저당
• 근저당
: 법률. 장래에 생길 채권의 담보로서 저당권을 미리 설정함. 또는 그 저당권.
근저당을 설정하다.
• 저당
3: 법률 부동산이나 동산을 채무의 담보로 잡거나 담보로 잡힘.
저당을 잡다.
가게가 있는 건물의 주인이 사채업자한테 저당을 잡히고 돈을 빌려 썼던 것인데 갚지 못하게 되어 일어난 일이었다.
출처 <<이상문, 황색인>>
• mortgage /ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ/
(also informal • home loan /ˌhəʊm ˈləʊn/)
-a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow
: (담보) 대출(금), 융자(금)
to apply for/take out/pay off a mortgage
담보 대출을 신청하다/내다[받다]/다 갚다
mortgage rates (= of interest)
대출 금리
*mortgage on
I couldn't get a mortgage on the property.
주택 담보 대출
He raised the money by taking out a second mortgage on his house.
*mortgage of
a mortgage of £60,000
6만파운드의 대출금
He's been having trouble keeping up with his monthly mortgage repayments.
월별 융자 상환
• mortgage /ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ/
-to give a bank, etc. the legal right to own your house, land, etc. if you do not pay the money back that you have borrowed from the bank to buy the house or land
: 타동사 [VN] 저당 잡히다
*mortgage something
He had to mortgage his house to pay his legal costs.
그는 소송 비용을 지불하기 위해 집을 저당 잡혀야 했다.
• vow /vaʊ/
-a formal and serious promise, especially a religious one, to do something
: 맹세, 서약
to make/take a vow 맹세하다
to break/keep a vow 맹세를 어기다/지키다
to break your marriage vows 혼인 서약을 어기다
Nuns take a vow of chastity. 수녀들은 동정[순결]서원을 한다.
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