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Lexical verb 본문
• lexical verb
: 어휘 동사 ((문법을 나타내는 보조동사와 달리 실질 의미를 나타냄)) - 국제영어대학원대학교 신어사전
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Lexical verb
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In linguistics, a lexical verb or main verb is a member of an open class of verbs that includes all verbs except auxiliary verbs. Lexical verbs typically express action, state, or other predicate meaning. In contrast, auxiliary verbs express grammatical meaning. The verb phrase of a sentence is generally headed by a lexical verb.[1]
Lexical verbs are categorized into five categories: copular, intransitive, transitive, ditransitive, and ambitransitive.[2][3]
The descriptor lexical is applied to the words of a language's lexicon, often to indicate a content word, as distinct from a function word.[4]
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