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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

동격 - The Communist Party has used the country’s tiny number of cases as proof its system is better than democracy, so abandoning its zero-covid strategy is politically awkward 본문

영어/YouTube & 영자신문 & 영작

동격 - The Communist Party has used the country’s tiny number of cases as proof its system is better than democracy, so abandoning its zero-covid strategy is politically awkward

태뽕이 2021. 10. 24. 23:41


안녕하세요? 선생님

요며칠 비가 두어차례 오다니 지난주만해도 늦여름 날씨가 순식간에 겨울이 되었어요. 가을은 온데간데없이 휭하니 가버리고 추운 겨울이 되었습니다. 독감 조심하시고 그리고 코로나도 늘 조심하시길 바라겠습니다~!

오랜만에 찾아뵙게 된 이유는 이코노미스트 글로벌 백신율에 대한 기사를 읽다가 아래 노랑색 형광펜을 칠한 문장의 구조가 눈에 안 들어와서 질문드리려고 합니다.

The greatest test is how to protect the billion or more people without immunity. China’s answer is to try to shut the virus out with harsh and costly quarantines and lockdowns. This allows time for vaccination and stockpiling medicines. The Communist Party has used the country’s tiny number of cases as proof its system is better than democracy, so abandoning its zero-covid strategy is politically awkward. However, as places including New Zealand have accepted, the coronavirus is not going away. One day China will have to relent.

제 방식대로 분석하니 접속사가 부족했습니다.

The Communist Party has used the country’s tiny number of cases as proof // its system is better than democracy, // so abandoning its zero-covid strategy is politically awkward.

전체 한 덩어리의 문장은 3개의 절로 구성. 절은 2개인데, 접속사는 1개 ???


The coronavirus

Millions of lives depend on how the pandemic ends

The world can see the end of the covid-19 emergency, but some daunting tasks lie ahead

Oct 16th 2021





~ the country’s tiny number of cases as <proof="A"> (that 생략) <its system is better than democracy="B">, ~
A와 B를 동격으로 연결해주는 접속사 that도 드물게 생략되기도 합니다.
