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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

66일 습관의 법칙/03: EF 온라인 영어

39일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 3 DESCRIBING A LEADER YOU ADMIRE - [Leadership qualities]

태뽕이 2022. 10. 9. 08:14

39일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 3 DESCRIBING A LEADER YOU ADMIRE - [Leadership qualities]

[MICHAEL] OK. Calvin is held in the highest esteem by everyone.

• hold

19-opinion. [transitive] to have a belief or an opinion about somebody/something

: (신념·의견 등을) 가지다, …하다고 여기다[평가하다]


*hold something

He holds strange views on education.

                               그는 교육에 대해 이상한 생각을 갖고 있다.

*hold somebody/something + adv./prep./adj.

She is held in high regard by her students (= they have a high opinion of her).

                               그녀는 가르치는 학생들에게서 높은 평가를 받고 있다.

*Somebody be held in high esteem

to be held in high esteem


He has very firmly held religious beliefs.

                               확고하게 지니고 있는 신념

deeply held religious beliefs

privately held views

This view is not widely held.




[MICHAEL] I have the greatest regard for his ability to be both ethical and fearless.

• regard

2-[uncountable] (formal) respect for somebody/something

: U 격식.  존경; 높은 평가


*Somebody be held in high regard.

e held her in high regard (= had a good opinion of her).

                               그는 그녀를 대단히 존경했다[높이 평가했다].

*regard for somebody/something

I had great regard for his abilities.

                               나는 그의 능력을 대단히 높이 평가했다.

Children no longer have proper regard for their parents and teachers.




• self-regard /ˌself rɪˈɡɑːrd/


-a good opinion of yourself, which is considered bad if you have too little or too much

: U. 자존감, 자존심


He suffers from a lack of self-regard.

                               그는 자존감 결핍에 시달린다.




[MICHAEL] His brilliant ideas helped to shape others' creativity.

[MICHAEL] All right. I think this speech is gonna go really well.


Something is gonna go really well or really bad..




[MICHAEL] We are full of admiration for the visionary leader he has been for us.

• visionary /ˈvɪʒəneri/ - 형용사

1-(approving) original and showing the ability to think about or plan the future with great imagination and intelligence

: 호감. 예지력[선견지명] 있는


a visionary leader

                               예지력 있는 지도자



• visionary - 명사

(plural visionaries)

(usually approving)

-a person who has the ability to think about or plan the future in a way that is intelligent and shows imagination

: 보통 호감 (pl. -ies) 선지자


She was a true visionary.

The company needs visionaries to see opportunities.




[MICHAEL] There's no doubt in my mind that he has inspired each and every one of us in one way or another.

[MICHAEL] In closing, I have nothing but respect for Calvin, and he will be greatly, greatly missed.




※ Leadership qualities

*Good and great leaders are admired for the qualities they possess.Study some vocabulary to help you talk about leadership qualities.

He is a just man. He has a keen sense of fairness.

She's a powerful woman, but she's still very approachable.

• approachable /əˈprəʊtʃəbl/

1-friendly and easy to talk to; easy to understand

OPPOSITE unapproachable

: 말을 붙이기 쉬운; 이해하기 쉬운


Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.

                               그녀는 대스타임에도 불구하고 말을 붙이기가 아주 쉬웠다.

an approachable piece of music

                               이해하기 쉬운 음악 작품


2-[not usually before noun] that can be reached by a particular route or from a particular direction

: [명사 앞에는 안 씀] 접근 가능한


The summit was approachable only from the south.

                               그 정상은 남쪽에서만 접근이 가능했다.




He was a true visionary, way ahead of his time.

She's not afraid of any challenge. She's fearless.

He's a truly ethical and moral man. He always tries to do the right thing.

The story of her life is inspiring.

He was a brilliant man but never thought he was better than others.
