태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
52일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 2. WRITING AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL - [Emails] 본문
52일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 2. WRITING AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL - [Emails]
태뽕이 2022. 10. 25. 00:3752일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 2. WRITING AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL - [Emails]
※ Emails
• emoticon
an image used in electronic communication to express an emotion
He chose a smiley face emoticon to show he was happy with the result.
• Cc and Bcc
/ˈsiː siː ænd ˈbiː siː/
different ways to send emails to people: Cc means a 'carbon copy' of the email is sent to someone; Bcc means that a 'blind carbon copy' is sent to people whose email addresses will not be seen by the recipient
He Cc-ed his colleagues and Bcc-ed his manager on the email.
• Reply All
/rɪˈplaɪ ɔːl/
when answering an email, including all the people the original email was sent to
She wasn't sure whether to 'Reply All' or 'Reply' just to her boss.
• subject line
/ˈsʌbdʒekt laɪn/
the section usually under 'from' and 'to' in an email that tells you what the email is about
Don't forget to write something on the subject line before you send the email.
• attachment
a computer file sent as part of an email
Please see the attachment for more details.
• Reply
to answer someone
He replied to my email the next day.
• bullet points
/ˈbʊlɪt pɔɪnts/
symbols, often small circles, that show information in a list
She presented her ideas using bullet points.
[JANET] Uh, but Ben has asked me to give you guys a brief, uh, presentation on some dos and don'ts for email etiquette.
[JANET] Um, we've had some incidents recently, uh, that has prompted us to sit down and write a list of six, uh, tips for you guys today.
[JANET] Uh, the first one, guys, yesterday I got an email where the subject line was,
[JANET] 'New procedures and processes for marketing team approvals needed please respond by Wednesday.'
[JANET] Um … that is not a good subject line, obviously.
[JANET] Keep your subjects line, lines short and concise,
[JANET] and if the topic of a thread changes, you be the person to, to go ahead and change the subject line so everybody stays up to date on the topic.
[JANET] Uh, the second one – and this is email etiquette 101 –
[JANET] be very, very, very careful whether or not you've chosen 'Reply' or 'Reply All.'
[JANET] I don't think I have to say anything more on that.
[JANET] And please don't hit 'Reply All' to say things like 'Thank you.'
[JANET] Um, finally, the same can be said for copying people on emails with a Cc and Bcc.
[JANET] Finally, if you're covering a number of points, please use bullet points and make it as short and concise as possible.
[JANET] Also, put your number one request at the top of the email.
[JANET] but on professional emails we just want to keep it, uh, polite in tone.