태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
64일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 1. TALKING ABOUT AWKWARD SITUATIONS - [Review: auxiliary verbs] 본문
64일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 1. TALKING ABOUT AWKWARD SITUATIONS - [Review: auxiliary verbs]
태뽕이 2022. 11. 2. 01:3464일차. ♣ Unit 5. Awkward situations - LESSON 1. TALKING ABOUT AWKWARD SITUATIONS - [Review: auxiliary verbs]
※ Review: auxiliary verbs
*You can use the irregular verb be as both a main verb and an auxiliary verb. As an auxiliary verb, be is used with a main verb in continuous and passive tenses.
They were getting along very well until he told an offensive joke.
She was embarrassed by him and left the party early.
*The irregular verb have can also be used as both a main verb and an auxiliary. As an auxiliary verb, have is used with a main verb in perfect tenses.
He had told the joke several times before he realized it was offensive.
Have you considered getting a new boyfriend?
*The auxiliary verb do is used in questions and negative sentences.
Does he often make social blunders like that?
She didn't see him again after the party.