태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
제2공화국/10월 유신 체재/면책 특권/국회의원 면책 특권/외교관의 면책 특권 (feat. 집단 면역) 본문
제2공화국/10월 유신 체재/면책 특권/국회의원 면책 특권/외교관의 면책 특권 (feat. 집단 면역)
태뽕이 2023. 10. 21. 15:22• 제2공화국
-제2공화국 (1960년 - 1961년)에서 민의원(하원)과 참의원(상원)을 두어 양원제를 실시했었는데, 실효성이 낮아 단원제로 전환되었다.
: The Second Republic of Korea
• 10월 유신 체재
: October Restoration
• Restoration
4-the Restoration [singular] the time in Britain after 1660 when, following a period with no king or queen, Charles II became king
: sing. (the Restoration) 왕정복고 시대(영국의 찰스 2세가 왕위를 되찾은 1660년 이후 기간)
Restoration comedy/poetry (= written during and after this time)
왕정복고 시대 희극/시
• 왕정복고
: 정치 공화 정체나 그 밖의 다른 정체가 무너지고 다시 군주 정체로 되돌아가는 일.
• Legal immunity
• immunity from prosecution
-Legal immunity, or immunity from prosecution, is a legal status wherein an individual or entity cannot be held liable for a violation of the law, in order to facilitate societal aims that outweigh the value of imposing liability in such cases. Such legal immunity may be from criminal prosecution, or from civil liability (being subject of lawsuit), or both. The most notable forms of legal immunity are parliamentary immunity and witness immunity. One author has described legal immunity as "the obverse of a legal power"
: 면책 특권
우리나라 국회의원들은 ‘특권’이 많기로 유명하다. 중요한 것 세가지만 말하면 면책, 불체포, 전관 예우 등이다.
• Legal immunity
• immunity from prosecution
-Legal immunity, or immunity from prosecution, is a legal status wherein an individual or entity cannot be held liable for a violation of the law, in order to facilitate societal aims that outweigh the value of imposing liability in such cases. Such legal immunity may be from criminal prosecution, or from civil liability (being subject of lawsuit), or both. The most notable forms of legal immunity are parliamentary immunity and witness immunity. One author has described legal immunity as "the obverse of a legal power"
: 면책 특권
우리나라 국회의원들은 ‘특권’이 많기로 유명하다. 중요한 것 세가지만 말하면 면책·불체포·전관 예우 등이다.
• parliamentary immunity
• congressional immunity
: 국회의원 면책 특권
• immunity /ɪˈmjuːnəti/
(plural immunities)
-[uncountable] the body’s ability to avoid or not be affected by infection and disease
SEE ALSO herd immunity
: 면역력
*immunity (to something)
immunity to infection
감염에 대한 면역력
*immunity against something
The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu.
그 백신은 독감 면역력이 더 오래가게 해 준다.
2-[uncountable] the state of not being affected by something, especially something that you might expect to be harmful
: 면역
*immunity (to something)
the president's seeming immunity to criticism
3-[uncountable, countable] immunity (from something) the state of being protected from something
SEE ALSO diplomatic immunity
: 면제
The spies were all granted immunity from prosecution.
그 스파이들은 모두 기소를 면제받았다.
parliamentary/congressional immunity (= protection against particular laws that is given to politicians)
국회의원 면책 특권
Officials of all member states receive certain privileges and immunities.
모든 회원국들의 공무원은 일정한 특권과 면제를 받는다.
• diplomatic immunity /ˌdɪpləˌmætɪk ɪˈmjuːnəti/
-special rights given to diplomats working in a foreign country that mean they cannot be arrested, taxed, etc. in that country
: U. 외교관의 면책 특권
The advisers were granted diplomatic immunity.
• herd immunity /ˌhɜːrd ɪˈmjuːnəti/
-protection from a disease that happens if a large percentage of the population is immune to it (= unable to catch it, for example because they have been vaccinated)
: 집단 면역
Herd immunity can be achieved if 95% of children are vaccinated.
Recovery of the job market will not be seen until the country reaches herd immunity against COVID-19 through vaccination, according to Lee Jong-kwan, a researcher at the Korea Development Institute.
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