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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

11일차. 2023-11-25. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

11일차. 2023-11-25. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2023. 12. 19. 23:39

√ I wanted to discuss whether studying can determine or predict a bright future.


I think studying doesn't guarantee a better future. However, studying hard and achieving a high GPA can increase likelihood of getting a better and more decent job, leading to a better life.


√ I had more of a heated debate with the guy I met for the first time. He focused on making generalizations.


It sounds like you had an intense discussion! Generalizations can sometimes oversimplify complex issues.


√ Just because people with high GPAs go to big companies doesn't mean they will have gruelling work lives, even if they are paid well or in accordance with their job grades and descriptions.


√ Indeed, he shared an anecdote about a friend of his who is now working for a conglomerate and has three kids. He works day and night, often hosting dinners to entertain clients because he needs to satisfy them. As a result, he only sees his kids once a week. But I DO understand his situation.


√ if his friend prioritizes spending time with his family alongside his career, how can he earn enough money to support three kids, considering the costs of education, food, and other expenses?


√ You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want to keep the cake, you can't eat it. But if you eat the cake, you no longer have it. It's a bit of a conflict.


√ I'm not sure what specifically provoked him, but regardless, It was difficult to achieve a balanced understanding. It seems it only led to further imbalance.  


√ It's important to listen and have an open-minded discussion to foster the mutual understanding. Perhaps I should emphasize that we need to approach discussions with an open mind and strive for mutual understanding.

They are not familiar with my background, personality, and temperament.


√ I should probably start by making my position clear.


Taking your responsibility for your part is commendable.


Acknowledging my own speaking style and potential misunderstandings can help set the right expectations and create a more understanding atmosphere during discussions.


√ If I avoid composing clumsy sentences and make my statements very clear, it will help them have the right expectations. I make sure of carefully constructing my sentences and avoid any awkward phrasing.


