『열심히 공부한 내용을 정리해서 올리는 공간입니다.』

【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

영어/영어 용법·표현

※ firstly / first of all / at first

태뽕이 2024. 2. 29. 16:16

[Which Word]

※ firstly / first of all / at first

Firstly and first (of all) are used to introduce a series of facts, reasons, opinions, etc:


The brochure is divided into two sections, dealing firstly with basic courses and secondly with advanced ones.



Firstly is more common in British English than in North American English.



At first is used to talk about the situation at the beginning of a period of time, especially when you are comparing it with a different situation at a later period:

Maggie had seen him nearly every day at first. Now she saw him much less.






[Which Word]

※ firstly / first of all / at first

firstly와 first (of all)는 일련의 사실들, 이유들, 의견들 등을 도입할 때 쓰인다:


The brochure is divided into two sections, dealing firstly with basic courses and secondly with advanced ones.

이 안내 책자는 두 부분으로 나뉘어져, 먼저 기본 강좌들을 다루고, 둘째 고급 강좌들을 다룬다.



firstly는 미국 영어에서보다 영국 영어에서 더 흔히 쓰인다.



• at first는 어떤 시기의 첫 부분과 관련된 상황에 대해 특히 나중에 달라진 상황과 대조해서 말할 때 쓴다:


Maggie had seen him nearly every day at first. Now she saw him much less.

매기가 처음에는 그를 거의 매일 만났었다. 하지만 이제는 그를 훨씬 덜 만나고 있었다.



※ firstly/first of all/at first.docx
