관리 메뉴

태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

※ recommend / advise / advocate / urge 본문

영어/영어 문법·어법

※ recommend / advise / advocate / urge

태뽕이 2021. 3. 20. 00:19

※ recommend / advise / advocate / urge


These words all mean to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation.


• recommend to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation; to say what you think the price or level of something should be:


We’d recommend you to book your flight early.

a recommended price of $50




• advise to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation:

I’d advise you not to tell him.






★ recommend or advise?

Advise is a stronger word than recommend and is often used when the person giving the advice is in a position of authority:


Police are advising fans without tickets to stay away.

Police are recommending fans without tickets to stay away.


I advise you… can suggest that you know better than the person you are advising: this may cause offence if they are your equal or senior to you.


I recommend… mainly suggests that you are trying to be helpful and is less likely to cause offence.


Recommend is often used with more positive advice to tell somebody about possible benefits


advise with more negative advice to warn somebody about possible dangers:


He advised reading the book before seeing the movie.

I would recommend against going out on your own.






• advocate (formal) to support or recommend something publicly:


The group does not advocate the use of violence.




• urge (formal) to recommend something strongly:


The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution.




※ recommend / advise / advocate / urge


이 단어들은 모두 누군가에게 특정한 상황에서 무엇을 꼭 해야 한다고 말할 때 쓰인다.


• recommend (행동 방침 등을) 권고하다[권장하다 / 권하다]:


We’d recommend you to book your flight early.

(당신의) 비행편을 일찌감치 예약하실 것을 권고 드리고 싶습니다.


a recommended price of $50

50달러의 권장 가격




• advise 조언하다, 충고하다, 권고하다:


I’d advise you not to tell him.

그에게 말하지 말라고 충고하고 싶어.






★ recommend or advise?

● advise는 recommend보다 뜻이 더 강하고, 흔히 권위 있는 위치에 있는 사람이 충고를 할 때 쓰인다:


Police are advising fans without tickets to stay away.

Police are recommending fans without tickets to stay away.

경찰이 티켓이 없는 팬들은 접근하지 말 것을 권고하고 있다.


I advise you…는 당신이 충고를 듣는 상대방보다 더 잘 알고 있음을 시사한다. 상대방이 당신과 동등한 사람이거나 당신보다 손위 사람일 때에는 이런 표현이 불쾌하게 들릴 수도 있다.


I recommend…는 주로 도움이 되고 싶다는 뜻을 시사하고, 불쾌감을 유발할 염려도 적다.


recommend는 흔히 상대방에게 가능한 이점에 대해 더 긍정적인 충고를 할 때 쓰이고,

advise는 가능한 위험에 대해 경고하기 위한 부정적인 충고에 대해 쓰인다:


He advised reading the book before seeing the movie.

I would recommend against going out on your own.






• advocate (격식) (공개적으로) 지지하다[옹호하다]:

The group does not advocate the use of violence.

그 단체는 폭력 사용을 지지하지 않는다.




• urge (격식) 강력히 권고[촉구]하다:

The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution.

상황이 위험하여 유엔이 강력히 주의를 권고하고 있다.






♣ 문형 / 함께 쓰이는 말

*to recommend / advise / advocate / urge that…

…임을 권고 / 충고 / 지지 / 촉구하다



*It is recommended / advised / advocated / urged that…

…임이 권고 / 충고 / 지지 / 촉구되다



*to recommend / advise / urge sb to do something

~에게 ~할 것을 권고 / 충고 / 촉구하다



*to recommend / advise / advocate doing something

~할 것을 권고 / 충고 / 지지하다



*to advise against something

~하지 말 것을 충고하다



*to strongly recommend / advise / advocate somebody / something

~을 강력히 권고 / 충고 / 지지하다






함께 사용되는 단어

[동사]로 recommend이(가) 사용될 때

1. say that somebody/something is good의 의미인 경우


highly, thoroughly | certainly, definitely | enthusiastically, heartily, unreservedly, warmly, wholeheartedly | personally


This book is highly recommended by teachers.


I definitely recommend this movie.

Consult a lawyer who is personally recommended to you.




for | to


Who would you recommend for the job?

I can recommend this book to anyone interested in food.




Something has a lot to ~ it.   |   Something has much to ~ it.

Your idea has much to recommend it.




2. advise sb to do sth의 의미인 경우


strongly | particularly, specifically | commonly, generally, routinely, typically | unanimously


I would strongly recommend that you get professional advice.

In the 199s, doctors routinely recommended hormone replacement therapy.

The commission unanimously recommended the proposal.




for | to

Food supplements are sometimes recommended for diabetic patients.

Here are a few safeguards I recommend to my clients.




출처: Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English
