#전성기 #황금기 (feat. 그때가 좋았지)
• golden age
: 주로 단수로 (특히 과거의) 황금기[전성기]
the golden age of cinema
영화관의 황금기
= • glory days /ˈɡlɔːri deɪz/
-a time in the past which people look back on as being better than the present
: (과거의) 영광스럽던 날들[좋았던 시절]
The last time they won the Cup was back in the glory days of 1989.
= • hey day /ˈheɪdeɪ/
[usually singular]
-the time when somebody/something had most power or success, or was most popular
: 주로 단수로. 전성기, 한창때
In its heyday, the company ran trains every fifteen minutes.
전성기에는 그 회사가 15분마다 기차를 운행했다.
a fine example from the heyday of Italian cinema
이탈리아 영화 전성기를 보여주는 훌륭한 예가 되는 작품
a picture of Brigitte Bardot in her heyday
한창때의 브리짓드 바르도 사진
= • prime /praɪm/
1-[singular] the time in your life when you are strongest or most successful
: sing. 한창때, 전성기
a young woman in her prime
한창때의 젊은 여성
He was barely 30 and in the prime of (his) life.
그는 겨우 서른이었고 인생의 전성기에 있었다.
These flowers are long past their prime.
이 꽃들은 한창 때가 지난 지도 한참 되었다.
= • the best day
• those were the days
-(informal) used to suggest that a time in the past was happier or better than now - 옥스포드
-something you say that means life was better at the time in the past that you are talking about: - 캠브릿지
: 옛날이[그때가] 좋았지; 그때가 좋았어
We were young and madly in love. Ah, those were the days!
그때가 좋았어
Those were the (good) days. (O)
The time was good. (X)
*출처: https://en.dict.naver.com/#/entry/koen/acd889ac95cb46f6869adf6c8071b9ae
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