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#휘둘리다 #팔랑귀 #미온적인 #우유부단 본문
#휘둘리다 #팔랑귀 #미온적인 #우유부단
• be at the Noun of something/doing something
: ~ Noun에 노출되다; ~ Noun의 영향권에 들어가다
• be at the the risk of something/doing something
: ~할 위험에 처하다.
• be at the mercy of something/doing someting
: ~ 자비에 노출 되다; ~ 자비의 영향권에 들어가다; "~에 휘둘리다."
@I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions!
나는 내 감정에 휘둘리고 싶지 않아!
• at the mercy of somebody/something
-not able to stop somebody/something harming you because they have power or control over you
: ~에 휘둘리는[~ 앞에서 속수무책인]
I'm not going to put myself at the mercy of the bank.
난 내 자신이 은행에 휘둘리게 하지 않을 거예요.
We were at the mercy of the weather.
우리는 날씨 앞에서 속수무책이었다.
• gullible
-too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked
SYNONYM. naive
: 남을 잘 믿는, 잘 속아 넘어가는
The advertisement is aimed at gullible young women worried about their weight.
• wishy-washy /ˈwɪʃi wɑːʃi/
(informal, disapproving)
1-not having clear or definite ideas or beliefs
: 미온적인, 확고하지 못한, 우유부단한, 결단력이 부족한,
a wishy-washy liberal
미온적인 자유주의자
2-not bright in colour
: (색깔이) 선명하지 못한
a wishy-washy blue
선명하지 못한 청색
• indecisive /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv/
1-disapproving) (of a person) not able to make decisions quickly and effectively
: (사람이) 우유부단한
a weak and indecisive man
허약하고 우유부단한 남자
Some blame indecisive leadership for the party’s failure at the polls.
2-not providing a clear and definite answer or result
: 뚜렷한 해답[결과]을 내놓지 못하는
an indecisive battle
결판이 나지 않는 전투
• sway /sweɪ/
2-[transitive, often passive] sway somebody to persuade somebody to believe something or do something
SYNONYM influence
: 타동사 [VN 흔히 수동태로] (마음을) 흔들다[동요시키다]
He’s easily swayed.
그는 쉽게 흔들린다.
She wasn’t swayed by his good looks or his clever talk.
그녀는 그의 잘생긴 외모나 재기 넘치는 말솜씨에 흔들리지 않았다.
Don't allow yourself to be swayed by emotion.
His previous experience of playing against New Zealand probably swayed the decision to select him.
The panel was not swayed by his arguments.
The speech was important in swaying public opinion.
@she mustn't allow herself to be swayed by emotion.
@그녀는 스스로 감정에 휘둘려서는 안 된다.
@a lot of people are swayed by the media.
@많은 사람이 매체에 흔들린다.
*출처: 네이버 영한사전 - 유의어사전 - Oxford Thesaurus
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