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영어/영어 용법·표현

[유의어] rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable

태뽕이 2024. 7. 5. 14:00

rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable


These words all describe somebody/something that has a lot of money, property or valuable possessions.




• rich (of a person) having a lot of money, property or valuable possessions; (of a country or city) producing a lot of wealth so that many of its people can live at a high standard


• wealthy rich


【rich or wealthy?】

There is no real difference in meaning between these two words. Both are very frequent, but rich is more frequent and can be used in some fixed phrases where wealthy cannot:


He’s stinking/filthy wealthy.  (X)

It’s a favourite resort for the wealthy and famous. (X)




• prosperous (rather formal) rich and successful


• affluent (rather formal) rich and with a good standard of living:


affluent Western countries


【prosperous or affluent?】

Both prosperous and affluent are used to talk about people and places.

Prosperous is used much more than affluent to talk about times and periods.

Affluent is often used to contrast rich people or societies with poor ones.

Being prosperous is nearly always seen as a good thing:


It’s good to see you looking so prosperous.

It’s good to see you looking so affluent. (X)




• well off (often used in negative sentences) rich:


His family is not very well off.


∴ The opposite of well off is badly off, but this is not very frequent;

it is more common to say that somebody is not well off.





• comfortable having enough money to buy what you want without worrying about the cost:


They’re not millionaires, but they’re certainly very comfortable.





a(n) rich/wealthy/prosperous/affluent/well-off family

a rich/wealthy/prosperous/well-off man/woman

a(n) rich/wealthy/prosperous/affluent country/city




rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable


이 단어들은 모두 많은 돈이나 재산을 소유하고 있음을 나타낸다.




• rich (사람이) 부유한[돈 많은 / 부자인]; (국가나 도시가) 부유한


• wealthy 부유한, 재산이 많은


【rich or wealthy?】

이 두 단어의 의미 사이에 뚜렷한 차이는 없다.

두 단어 다 빈번히 사용되지만, 일부 고정된 구 속에서는 rich가 더 자주 쓰이고 wealthy는 그렇지 않다:

He’s stinking / filthy wealthy.

It’s a favourite resort for the wealthy and famous.




• prosperous (비교적 격식) 번영한, 번창한

• affluent (비교적 격식) (생활수준이 높고) 부유한:


affluent Western countries

부유한 서구 국가들


【prosperous or affluent?】

◇ prosperous와 affluent는 둘 다 사람과 장소에 대해 쓸 수 있다.

◇ 시기나 시대에 대해 말할 때에는 prosperous가 affluent보다 훨씬 더 많이 쓰인다.

◇ affluent는 흔히 부유한 사람들ㆍ사회와 빈곤한 사람들ㆍ사회를 대조할 때 쓰인다.

◇ prosperous는 거의 언제나 좋은 의미로 쓰인다:

It’s good to see you looking so prosperous.

당신이 아주 번창하는 것 같아서 보기 좋아요.

It’s good to see you looking so affluent. (X)




• well off (흔히 부정문에서 쓰임) 부유한, 잘사는:


His family is not very well off.

그의 집안은 별로 부유하지 못하다.


∴ well off의 반대말은 badly off이지만 이것이 자주 쓰이지는 않는다.

not well off이라고 표현하는 것이 더 일반적이다.




• comfortable 풍족한, 넉넉한:


They’re not millionaires, but they’re certainly very comfortable.

그들이 백만장자는 아니지만 분명히 아주 풍족하기는 하다.




*문형 / 함께 쓰이는 말

to become / grow / make sb rich / wealthy / prosperous

부자가 되다[부유해지다] / 부자가 되다[부유해지다] / ~를 부자가 되게 하다


to get rich

부자가 되다[부유해지다]


a(n) rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well-off / comfortable man / woman / family

부유한 남성 / 여성 / 가문


a(n) rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent country / city

부유한 국가 / 도시


exceedingly / extremely / incredibly / very rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable

대단히 / 엄청나게 / 믿을 수 없을 정도로 / 아주 부유한


seriously rich / wealthy

진짜 부자인 / 부유한


comparatively / fairly / quite / reasonably / relatively rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable

비교적 / 꽤 / 상당히 / 상당히 / 비교적 부유한



유의어; rich/wealthy/prosperous/affluent/well off/comfortable.docx


