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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

59일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 4. NEGOTIATING A PURCHASE - [Negotiating vocabulary] 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/03: EF 온라인 영어

59일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 4. NEGOTIATING A PURCHASE - [Negotiating vocabulary]

태뽕이 2022. 11. 2. 01:01

59일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 4. NEGOTIATING A PURCHASE - [Negotiating vocabulary]

[MARGRET] Yeah. You know, I really like your ergonomic chairs, especially the Super Comfort X9 model.

• ergonomic /ˌɜːrɡəˈnɑːmɪk/

-designed to make people’s working environment more comfortable and to help them work more efficiently

: 인체 공학의


ergonomic design

                               인체 공학적 디자인

an ergonomic keyboard/chair



[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]

*Ergonomic is used with these nouns:

design, keyboard




[HARRY] That's a great choice, top-of-the-line unit.

[HARRY] It normally retails for 599 each.

[MARGRET] Yeah, you know, I noticed that, and I need 150 of them,

[MARGRET] so I was hoping you could help me with a bulk discount here.

@[HARRY] Normally … I'm sorry, but we only give a bulk discount for 200 units or more.

• top of the range /ˌtɑːp əv ðə ˈreɪndʒ/

(British English)

(North American English top of the line)

-[usually before noun] used to describe the most expensive of a group of similar products

: [주로 명사 앞에 씀] (비슷한 상품들 중) 최고급의


Our equipment is top of the range.

                               저희의 장비는 최고급입니다.

our top-of-the-range model

                               우리의 최고급 모델



• retail /ˈriːteɪl/

-[intransitive] (business) to be sold at a particular price

: 자동사 상업 [V] (특정 가격에) 팔리다

*retail at/for something


The book retails at £14.95.

                               그 책은 14.95파운드에 팔린다.




[HARRY] We do value your business. The best I could do is $50 off each chair.

[MARGRET] I see. How much do you usually offer for 200 units?

[HARRY] We would normally give 100 off, but we're already at a razor-thin margin.

[MARGRET] OK. Perhaps you'd consider 80?

[HARRY] Uhhh, what would you say to 70?

[MARGRET] I'm sorry, but that's still a little bit outside my budget.

[HARRY] The best I can do is 75 off each chair, today.

[MARGRET] Is that your final offer?

[HARRY] I'm afraid it is. I just can't go any lower.

@[MARGRET] OK. You've got yourself a deal.

@[HARRY] Thank you, Margret. I'll go get things ready.

• value

1-consider important (not used in the progressive tenses) to think that somebody/something is important

: 타동사 [진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음] 소중하게[가치 있게] 생각하다[여기다]


* value somebody/something

He has come to value her advice and support.

They don’t seem to value honesty very highly.


*value somebody/something as something

I really value him as a friend.

                               나는 그를 친구로서 정말 소중하게 생각한다.


*value somebody/something for something

The area is valued for its vineyards.

                               그 지역은 포도밭들 때문에 가치 있게 여겨진다.

She's a valued member of staff.

                               소중하게 여겨지는 직원



• razor-thin /ˌreɪzər ˈθɪn/

(North American English)

-(of a victory in an election, etc.) won by a very small number of votes

: 박빙의


The Republican Senator won a third term by a razor-thin edge over his Democratic challenger.


[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]

*Razor-thin is used with these nouns:

majority, margin



※ Negotiating vocabulary

*Here are some words and phrases used when you're negotiating the price of a product.

This ergonomic desk is top of the line.

This model normally retails for $799.

@A bulk discount applies to orders of 100 units or more.

Just so you know, we are talking with other vendors.

That price would leave me with a razor-thin margin.




*very small amount of profit = razor-thin margin

