태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
81일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 1. CHECKING IN TO A HOTEL - [Checking in to a hotel] 본문
81일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 1. CHECKING IN TO A HOTEL - [Checking in to a hotel]
태뽕이 2022. 12. 1. 01:1881일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 1. CHECKING IN TO A HOTEL - [Checking in to a hotel]
※ Checking in
*The initial part of checking in to a hotel is very straightforward.
A: Hi. I'd like to check in.
B: May I see your passport, please?
A. Here you go.
A: OK, Mr. Jackson. You're here for three nights. You booked a standard, nonsmoking room.
B: That's right.
※ Discounts and upgrades
*Hotels often will try to upsell (upsell) customers by offering discounts for more expensive rooms, especially in the off-season (off-season).
We're running a special offer right now.
Our deluxe suites are 30% off.
I can offer you a big discount on a deluxe suite.
• upsell /ˈʌpsel/
[intransitive] (business)
-to persuade a customer to buy more products or a more expensive product than they originally intended
: 자동사 상업 [V] (upsold, upsold[ˈʌpsəʊld; 美 ˈʌpsoʊld]) (고객에게) 더 많은[고가의] 상품을 사게 하다
You can usually upsell to about half the customers.
보통 절반 정도의 고객에게 더 비싼 상품을 사게 할 수 있다.
Sales staff get bonuses based on the ability to upsell.
판매 직원은 고객에게 더 많은 상품을 사게 하는 능력에 기반하여 보너스를 받는다.
※ Checking and confirming
*Don't hesitate to ask questions or paraphrase information to make sure you understand what is being offered. Once you have all the details, you can accept or decline the upsell.
Could you give me more information about the deluxe suites?
How much does it cost to upgrade?
In other words, for an extra $40, I get a bigger room and bed, free Wi-Fi and breakfast?
So, what's the deposit for?
The upgrade sounds good. I'll do it.
No, thank you. I'm not interested.
※ Who says what? Listen to the audio if you need to. Move the text to the correct categories.
The view is magnificent from there.
• magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/
-extremely attractive and impressive; deserving praise
SYNONYM splendid
: 참으로 아름다운[감명 깊은/훌륭한]
The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.
타지마할은 참으로 감명 깊은 건축물이다.
She looked magnificent in her wedding dress.
그녀는 웨딩드레스를 입은 모습이 참으로 아름다웠다.
You’ve all done a magnificent job.
여러분 모두 일을 아주 훌륭히 해 냈어요.
※ A man is checking in to his hotel. Select the correct option.
[CLERK] Mr. James, you're all set.