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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

80일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 1. CHECKING IN TO A HOTEL - [Hotel features] 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/03: EF 온라인 영어

80일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 1. CHECKING IN TO A HOTEL - [Hotel features]

태뽕이 2022. 12. 1. 01:08

80일차. ♣ Unit 6. Hotels - LESSON 1. CHECKING IN TO A HOTEL - [Hotel features]

[CLERK] Of course. May I see your passport, please?

[CLERK] Oh, great! So here, I have your staying with us for three nights in a standard room. Is that right?

[CLERK] We're running a special offer: For $50 a day, you can upgrade from a standard room to a deluxe suite.

@[LEO] What's in the deluxe suite?

[CLERK] It includes complimentary breakfast, free Wi-Fi, and a full bathroom and shower.

[LEO] That's a great deal for $15.

[CLERK] Oh, $50 a day.

[LEO] Sorry – the jet lag.

[CLERK] No worries. Would you like to upgrade?

[LEO] Umm, yeah. Why not.

[CLERK] Great! Let me just add that ... And how will you be paying today?

[LEO] Is a credit card OK?

[CLERK] Thank you. Just to confirm, there's a $150 room deposit for the mini-bar and any other incidentals.

• incidental /ˌɪnsɪˈdentl/

[usually plural]

-something that happens in connection with something else, but is less important

: 주로 복수로 부수적인 일[것]


You’ll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis.

                               당신은 팁이나 택시 등과 같은 부수적인 일에 쓸 돈이 좀 필요할 것이다.




※ Rooms and beds

*The names for room types vary widely from hotel to hotel, but names for bed sizes are fairly standardized.

The standard room comes with a queen-sized bed or two double beds.

The deluxe suite comes with a king-sized bed.




※ Extras

*When you stay at a hotel, make sure you know what extras (extras) come with the room and what you must pay for separately.

With the executive suite, you get complimentary breakfasts in the executive lounge.

With the classic room, you get free Wi-Fi.




※ Incidental charges

*You will almost always have to leave a deposit (deposit) when you check in. This is to cover incidental (incidental) expenses.

Your deposit covers anything you eat or drink from the minibar.

Long-distance phone calls and special movies are incidental charges.




※ Record what you hear.

In other words, WiFi and breakfast cost extra?

What's the deposit for?
