태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
The Future of Tech is Already Here: From Flying Cars to 8K Projectors 본문
The Future of Tech is Already Here: From Flying Cars to 8K Projectors
태뽕이 2023. 2. 14. 07:47• standout
[only before noun] (informal)
-very easy to notice because of being better, more impressive, etc. than others in a group
the standout track on this album
: (무리 중에서) 아주 뛰어난[눈에 띄는] 사람[것]
• push the envelope /ˈenvələʊp/
-(informal) to go beyond the limits of what is allowed or thought to be possible
: 한계를 초월하다
He is a performer who consistently pushes the envelope of TV comedy.
그는 끊임없이 TV 코미디의 한계를 초월하는 연예인이다.
• wacky /ˈwæki/
(also whacky)
(comparative wackier, superlative wackiest)
-funny in a slightly crazy way
SYNONYM zany /ˈzeɪni/
: 익살스러운, 괴짜의
wacky ideas 익살스러운 생각
Some of his friends are pretty wild and wacky characters.
그의 친구들 중 일부는 상당히 제멋대로인데다 괴짜인 인물들이다.
weird and wacky fashion creations
• gawk /ɡɔːk/
[intransitive] (informal)
-to stare at somebody/something in a rude or stupid way
: 얼빠진 듯이 바라보다
*gawk (at somebody/something)
Stop gawking like that!
The old station master gawked in surprise as they pushed past him.
• precipice /ˈpresəpɪs/
-a very steep side of a high cliff, mountain or rock
SEE ALSO precipitous /prɪˈsɪpɪtəs/
: 벼랑
(figurative) The country was now on the edge of a precipice (=very close to disaster).
Myanmar appears on the precipice of a return to military rule that controlled the country for decades.
She paused on the edge of the precipice for a moment, then drew back.
The car was almost forced off a precipice.
teetering on the precipice of political anarchy
• kinetic energy /kɪˈnetɪk/
• gizmo /ˈɡɪzməʊ/
(also gismo)
(plural gizmos, gismos)
-a general word for a small piece of equipment, often one that does something in a new and clever way
: (흔히 새롭고 쓸모 있는) 간단한 장치
It’s a new car, full of gadgets and gizmos.
• ingenious /ɪnˈdʒiːniəs/
1-(of an object, a plan, an idea, etc.) very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas
: (사물·계획·생각 등이) 기발한
an ingenious device/invention/experiment
기발한 장치
ingenious ways of saving energy
기발한 에너지 절약책
His plots are always very ingenious.
2-(of a person) having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things
: (사람이) 재간이 많은, 독창적인
an ingenious cook
독창적인 요리사
She’s very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.
변명 거리를 찾아내는 거라면 그녀는 재주가 아주 많다.
• fruition /fruˈɪʃn/
[uncountable] (formal)
-the successful result of a plan, a process or an activity
: U 격식 (계획·과정·활동의) 성과[결실]
After months of hard work, our plans finally came to fruition.
여러 달 동안의 힘든 고생 끝에 마침내 우리 계획이 성과를 보게 되었다.
His extravagant ideas were never brought to fruition. /ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/
그의 황당한 생각들은 결실을 낳는 적이 없었다.
Their efforts came to fruition many years later.
The proposed rule is the fruition of years of work.
• triumph /ˈtraɪʌmf/
1-[countable, uncountable] a great success, achievement or victory
: (큰) 업적[승리], 대성공
one of the greatest triumphs of modern science
현대 과학의 가장 위대한 업적 중 하나
*triumph over somebody/something
It was a personal triumph over her old rival.
그것은 그녀의 오랜 경쟁자를 이긴 개인적인 승리였다.
2-[uncountable] the feeling of great pleasure or joy that you get from a great success or victory
: 승리감, 환희
a shout of triumph
환희에 찬 함성
*in triumph
The winning team returned home in triumph.
우승팀은 "의기양양하게" 귀향했다.
‘I’ve done it,’ she thought with a sweet sense of triumph.
This was her moment of triumph.
3-[singular] a triumph (of something) an excellent example of how successful something can be
: 개가(凱歌)
Her arrest was a triumph of international cooperation.
그녀를 체포한 것은 국제적인 협력이 올린 개가였다.
• 개가
1-싸움에서 이기고 돌아올 때에 부르는 노래.
2-기거나 큰 성과가 있을 때의 환성.
이순신은 오랑캐를 묶은 채 군사들을 휘동하여 개가를 높이 부르면서 북병사가 있는 병영으로 들어갔다. 출처 <<박종화, 임진왜란>>
간신히 화초밭 새에 숨어 쌔근거리는 새를 덥석 뒤집어씌워서 잡고 말았다. 아이들의 입에서는 ‘으아’ 하고 개가가 올랐다. 출처 <<염상섭, 십자매>>
• shape-shifting /ˈʃeɪp ʃɪftɪŋ/
-(in stories) able to change into other people, animals or things
a shape-shifting alien
• origami /ˌɔːrɪˈɡɑːmi/
-the Japanese art of folding paper into attractive shapes
: 종이 접기
• handheld /ˈhændheld/
[usually before noun]
-small enough to be held in the hand while being used
: [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 손에 쥐고 쓸 수 있는, 소형인
a handheld camera/device
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
Hand-held is used with these nouns: calculator , camera , cellphone , computer , device , mirror , mobile phone , radio , receiver
• slick /slɪk/
(comparative slicker, superlative slickest)
1-(sometimes disapproving) done or made in a way that is clever and efficient but often does not seem to be sincere or lacks important ideas
: 때로 못마땅함 (겉만) 번드르르한[매끄러운]
a slick advertising campaign
번드르르한 광고 캠페인
a slick performance
매끄러운 공연
You had to admire the slick presentation of last night’s awards ceremony.
2-(sometimes disapproving) speaking very easily and smoothly but in a way that does not seem sincere
: 때로 못마땅함 (진실성은 없어 보이면서) 구변 좋은, 말을 번지르르하게 하는
slick TV presenters
구변 좋은 TV 진행자
a slick salesman
말을 번지르르하게 하는 외판원
Her reply was too fast, too slick.
3-done quickly and smoothly
SYNONYM skilful
: 능란한
The crowd enjoyed the team's slick passing.
관중들은 그 팀의 능수능란한 패스를 즐겼다.
a slick gear change
능란한 기어 바꾸기
4-smooth and difficult to hold or move on
SYNONYM slippery
: 미끄러운, 매끈거리는
The roads were slick with rain.
도로는 빗물로 미끄러웠다.
• diagonally /daɪˈæɡənəli/
-at an angle; in a way that joins two opposite sides of something at an angle
Walk diagonally across the field to the far corner and then turn left.
#Phrasal verb
• team up (with somebody)
-to join with another person or group in order to do something together
: (~와) 한 팀이 되다[협력하다]
• team somebody/something up (with somebody)
-to put two or more people or things together in order to do something or to achieve a particular effect
: (~와) ~을 한 팀이 되게 하다[함께 묶다]
• tantalize /ˈtæntəlaɪz/
-to make you want something that you cannot have or do
: 감질나게 하다
*tantalize somebody
• wild
6-exciting (informal) very good, pleasant or exciting
: 아주 좋은[신나는]
We had a wild time in New York.
우리는 뉴욕에서 아주 신나는 시간을 보냈다.
• tout /taʊt/
1-[transitive, often passive] to try to persuade people that somebody/something is important or valuable by praising them/it
: (사람들을 설득하기 위해) 장점을 내세우다
*be touted (as something)
She's being touted as the next leader of the party.
그녀는 차기 당 대표로 계속 장점이 내세워지고 있다.
Their much-touted expansion plans have come to nothing.
2-[intransitive, transitive] (especially British English) to try to persuade people to buy your goods or services, especially by going to them and asking them directly
: (제품서비스를) 광고[홍보]하다
*tout (for something)
the problem of unlicensed taxi drivers touting for business at airports
무자격 택시 기사들이 공항에서 호객 행위를 하는 문제
*tout something
He's busy touting his client's latest book around London publishers.
그는 의뢰인의 최신 저서를 런던 저작권 대리인들에게 홍보하느라 바쁘다.
• tinker /ˈtɪŋkər/
-to make small changes to something in order to repair or improve it, especially in a way that may not be helpful
: 어설프게 손보다[고치다]
*tinker (with something)
He’s in the garage tinkering with his bike.
The password will prevent others from tinkering with your data.
The government is merely tinkering at the edges of a much wider problem.
• hitch one's wagon to someone
-to rely on (someone or something) for success - 메리엄 웹스터
-to try to become more successful by forming a relationship with someone who is already successful - 콜린스
: ~의 잠재력이나 능력으로부터 이득을 얻으려고 하는 것 (https://naver.me/xTSZoTTu)
그 일이나 그들과 밀접하게 연관되어서 그들의 잠재력이나 능력으로부터 이득을 취하려고 하는 것
이미 성공한 사람과 관계를 형성함으로써, 더 성공하고 싶어하는 것
누군가의 인기, 능력, 실력 등에 편승해서(hitch) 끌려가는 어감을 생각하면 이해가 될거 같아요
Be careful about hitching your wagon to the senator, some say his seat is in jeopardy
상원의원과 연관되려는 것을 조심해라, 그의 자리가 위태롭다는 말이 있어
The team has hitched its wagon to its star pitcher.
He has hitched his wagon to his captain and the deal is that they offer each other unstinting support.
• hitch one's wagon to a star
: 이미 성공한 사람(star)에게 편승, 관계를 맺음(hitch)으로써 성공하려고 노력한다 의 이디엄도 있어요
• jumble /ˈdʒʌmbl/
[often passive]
-to mix things together in a confused or untidy way
: (마구) 뒤섞다
*be jumbled together
Books, shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor.
바닥에는 책과 신발과 옷들이 함께 뒤섞여 있었다.
*be jumbled up
The letters in these words have been jumbled up.
*jumble something (together/up)
She put the raffle tickets into a bag and jumbled them up.
• jumble
-[singular] jumble (of something) an untidy or confused mixture of things
: 뒤죽박죽 뒤섞인 것
a jumble of books and paper
뒤죽박죽 섞여 있는 책과 종이들
The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.
그 에세이는 의미 없는 생각들을 뒤섞어 놓은 것이었다.
• breeding ground /ˈbriːdɪŋ ɡraʊnd/
1-[usually plural] a place where wild animals go to produce their young
: 주로 복수로 (야생 동물의) 번식지
ome birds fly south to find good breeding grounds.
*breeding ground for something
The estuary is a breeding ground for birds and marine life.
2-[usually singular] a place where something, especially something bad, is able to develop
: 주로 단수로 (특히 나쁜 것의) 온상
*breeding ground (for something)
This area of the city has become a breeding ground for violent crime.
도시의 이 지역이 폭력 범죄의 온상이 되었다.
• estuary /ˈestʃueri/
-the wide part of a river where it flows into the sea
: (강이 바다로 흘러들어 가는) 어귀
the Thames estuary
템스 강 어귀
#Phrasal verb
• point to something
1-to mention something that you think is important and/or the reason why a particular situation exists
: (이유로) ~을 들먹이다
The board of directors pointed to falling productivity to justify their decision.
이사회에서는 자신들의 결정을 정당화하기 위해 생산성 저하를 들먹였다.
Pointing to the results of a recent survey, he claimed voters were most interested in education and unemployment.
They point to the fact that exercising can improve your mood.
2-to suggest that something is true or likely
: ~을 시사하다[나타내다]
All the signs point to a successful year ahead.
그 모든 조짐들이 성공적인 한 해를 앞두고 있음을 시사한다.
The evidence before us points clearly to his innocence.
• chronotype
-the internal circadian rhythm or body clock of an individual that influences the cycle of sleep and activity in a 24-hour period - 메리엄 웹스터
: 크로노 타입((각자에게 잘 맞는 활동 시간대를 나타내는 일주기성))
It is also true that we are increasingly sleeping outside of the times normally dictated by our internal circadian clocks (our "chronotype").
A nightowl has an evening chronotype.
저녁형 인간은 크로노 타입이 저녁 시간대인 거야.
• schtick /ʃtɪk/ = shtick /ʃtɪk/
[uncountable, singular] (especially North American English)
1-a style of humour that is typical of a particular performer
: (특정 희극 배우) 특유의[상투적인] 유머[익살]
2-a particular ability that somebody has
: (사람의 특정한) 능력
• grill = grille
5-a screen made of metal bars or wire that is placed in front of a window, door or machine in order to protect it
: (보호·방범용) 창살[안전망]
radiator grille (= at the front of a car)
(자동차의) 라디에이터 안전망
a security grille
방범용 창살[방범창]
Ensure that the grille is in place while the machinery is in operation.
• trackpad = touchpad
-a device that you touch in different places in order to operate a program
: 터치 패드(노트북 컴퓨터 등에서 마우스 기능을 하는 센서 판)
• trick somebody/something ↔ out (in/with something) [• trick out]
-(literary) to dress or decorate somebody/something in a way that attracts attention
: (~으로) ~을 치장하다
• trick somebody out of something
-to get something from somebody by means of a trick
: ~를 속여서[~에게 사기를 쳐서] ~을 빼앗다
She was tricked out of her life savings.
~를 속여서[~에게 사기를 쳐서] ~을 빼앗다
• dazzling /ˈdæzlɪŋ/
1-(of light) so bright that you cannot see for a short time
SYNONYM blinding
a dazzling array of talent
재능의 눈부신 집합체
2-impressing somebody very much
SYNONYM brilliant
: 현란한
a dazzling display of oriental dance
동양 무용의 현란한 춤사위
• boatload /ˈbəʊtləʊd/
1-as many goods or passengers as a ship or boat can carry
: 한 배분의 화물[적재량]
a boatload of bananas
2-(informal) a large number of people or things; a large amount of something
: 많은 사람
We made boatloads of food for the party.
• henceforth /ˌhensˈfɔːrθ/
(also henceforward /ˌhensˈfɔːwəd/
-starting from a particular time and at all times in the future
: …이후로 (죽)
Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as ‘Red Friday’.
1925년 7월 31일 금요일은 그 이후로 ‘피의 금요일’로 알려지게 되었다.
Henceforth, all staff will need to provide proof of identity before entering the building.