원래 ★ be meant for / ★ be meant to do something에서 출발한 관용어적인 표현임.
*be meant for each other
-If you say two people are meant for each other, you think they suit each other as romantic partners.
Jack and Kim were meant for each other.
잭과 김은 천생연분이었다.
Listen, you two are meant for each other.
들어 봐, 너희들 두사람은 서로를 위해 운명적으로 태어났어.
You guys were meant for each other.
너희들은 운명적으로 사랑일 수 밖에 없어.
The moment they met for the first time, they knew they were meant for each other.
처음 만나는 순간, 그들은 서로가 천생연분이라는 걸 알았다.
Maybe we were meant for each other.
아마, 우리는 천생연분이야.
Definitely, Tim and Kate are meant for each other.
맞아 팀과 케이트는 정말 천생연분이라니까.
*be meant to be
-if something is meant to be, it seems certain to happen, usually because it has been decided by God or other forces that people believe cannot be controlled
Oh well – it was just not meant to be.
We were meant to be together.
우리는 같이 있게 되도록 정해져 있었다. → 우리는 함께 할 운명이었다.
We are meant to be together.
우리는 같이 있게 되도록 정해져 있다. → 우리는 천생연분입니다. 우리는 인연인가봐.
We're a match made in heaven.
우리는 천생연분입니다.
If it's meant to be, we'll meet again.
인연이라면 다시 만나겠죠.
If it is meant to be.
그렇게 되기로 정해져 있다면, 만약 그것이 뜻이라면 → 운명이라면, 인연이라면.
We were meant to rule together.
(왕이 직속 부하에게) 우리는 같이 통치할 운영이야.
I was never meant to be a father.
아버지가 되기로 정해져 있던적이 없어. → 아버지가 되면 안될 운명이었어. → 난 아버지가 될만한 인간이 아니었어. OR 아버지로써의 자격이 없어.
A: I was told that you started seeing your ex again. Is it true?
A: 전 남친 다시 만난다며?
B: Yeah, I think we are meant to be together.
B: 응~우린 운명인가봐
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