※ 영단어·숙어
• pundit /ˈpʌndɪt/
1-a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who often talks about it in public
SYNONYM. expert
: 전문가, 권위자
Political pundits agree that the government has scored a major victory.
Football pundit Ron Atkinson has resigned from his TV job.
I'd rather watch the soccer than listen to a bunch of TV pundits arguing about it.
The financial gains to be made fell far short of what many pundits had predicted.
2-(also pandit) a Hindu priest or wise man
: (힌두교의) 성직자[현자]
• punditry /ˈpʌndɪtri/
-the activity of giving expert opinions on a subject in the media
: • 전문가적 의견[방법].
Having retired from playing, he has ventured into football punditry.
She is now retired, but continues her political punditry on the local news.
• go viral
-(Internet) To be rapidly and frequently shared through social media. - 윅셔너리
: 입소문이 나다, 퍼져나가다 - 영타임즈
This is not the first deepfake video to go viral.
(옥스포드 deepfake 예문)
• hostility /hɑːˈstɪləti/
1-[uncountable] aggressive or unfriendly feelings or behaviour
: 적의, 적대감, 적개심
There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone.
*hostility to/towards somebody/something
feelings of hostility towards people from other backgrounds
배경이 다른 사람들에 대한 적대감
the bitter hostility towards/toward the occupying forces
*hostility between A and B
There was open hostility between the two schools.
그 두 학교 간에는 노골적인 적의가 존재했다
You could almost feel the hostility between her and her mother.
*hostility against somebody/something
the deep hostility felt by many teenagers against the police
2-[uncountable] strong and angry opposition towards an idea, a plan or a situation
: U (생각·계획 등에 대한) 강한 반대[반감]
The proposal was met with outright hostility.
*hostility to/towards something
public hostility to nuclear power
원자력에 대한 일반 대중의 강한 반감
3-hostilities [plural] (formal) acts of fighting in a war
: pl. 격식 (hostilities) (전쟁에서의) 전투, 교전
*hostility between somebody/something
Hostilities broke out between the two provinces later that year.
the start/outbreak of hostilities between the two sides
그 두 진영 사이의 교전 시작/발발
a cessation of hostilities (= an end to fighting)
전투 종료[종전]
*hostility against somebody/something
the official cessation of hostilities against Japan
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English]
the cessation of hostilities /seˈseɪʃn/ | an outbreak of hostilities
• mercilessly /ˈmɜːrsɪləsli/
-in a way that shows no sympathy and is not kind
SYNONYM cruelly (1)
: 무자비하게, 인정사정없이
His friends teased him mercilessly when they found the poem.
• incense /ɪnˈsens/
-to make somebody very angry
: 타동사 [VN] 몹시 화나게[격분하게] 하다
*incense somebody
The decision incensed the workforce.
그 결정은 노동자들을 격분시켰다.
• visceral /ˈvɪsərəl/
1-(literary) resulting from strong feelings rather than careful thought
: 문예체 (깊은 사고가 아니라) 강한 감정에 따른, 본능적인
visceral fear
She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign.
그녀는 모든 외국 것들에 대해 본능적인 반감을 갖고 있었다.
• viscerally /ˈvɪs.ər.əl.i/
-in a way that is based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought: - 캠브릿지
The performance was both viscerally exciting and intellectually satisfying.
• hack
7-(often in compounds) (informal) a strategy or technique that you use in order to manage an activity in a more efficient way
COMPARE. lifehack
: (생산성이나 효율성을 높이는) 꿀팁
Have you got any clever parenting hacks?
Why not try these genius food hacks to save time?
• lifehack
-a strategy or technique that you use in order to manage your time and daily activities in a more efficient way
: 생활의 일부분을 더 쉽고 효율적으로 만드는 도구나 기술
This useful website offers good lifehacks for better use of your time and your technology.
• incendiary /ɪnˈsendieri/
[only before noun]
[명사 앞에만 씀]
1-designed to cause fires
: 방화의, 불을 지르기 위한
an incendiary device/bomb/attack
an incendiary device/bomb/attack
방화용 장치/소이탄/소이탄 공격
2-(formal) causing strong feelings or violence
SYNONYM inflammatory
: 격식 자극적인, 선동적인
incendiary remarks
자극적인 발언
• rile /raɪl/
-to annoy somebody or make them angry
: (사람을) 귀찮게[짜증나게] 하다
*rile somebody | it riles somebody that…
Nothing ever seemed to rile him.
그는 그 무엇에도 짜증이 나지 않는 모양이었다. [also VN that]
She regretted at once that she had let herself become riled.
• be/get (all) riled up [• be rile up] [• get rile up]
-(especially North American English, informal) to be or get very annoyed
: 몹시 짜증이 나 있다[짜증을 내다]
• ignite /ɪɡˈnaɪt/
[intransitive, transitive] (formal)
-to start to burn; to make something start to burn
: 불이 붙다, 점화되다; 불을 붙이다, 점화하다
Gas ignites very easily.
가스는 불이 아주 잘 붙는다.
(figurative) Tempers ignited when the whole family spent Christmas together.
온 가족이 함께 크리스마스를 보내게 되자 성질들이 불을 뿜었다.
*ignite something
Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas.
불길에 납 배관이 녹아서 누출되는 가스에 불이 붙었다.
(figurative) His words ignited their anger.
그의 말이 그들의 분노에 불을 붙였다.
#선동하다, 조장하다
• incite /ɪnˈsaɪt/
-to encourage somebody to do something violent, illegal or unpleasant, especially by making them angry or excited
: 선동하다, 조장하다
*incite something
[VN] to incite crime/racial hatred/violence
범행/인종 간의 증오/폭력을 조장하다
*incite somebody (to something)
They were accused of inciting the crowd to violence.
그들은 군중에게 폭력 행위를 하도록 선동했다는 비난을 받았다.
*incite somebody to do something
[VN to inf.] He incited the workforce to come out on strike.
그는 노동자들에게 파업을 하러 나오도록 선동했다.
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
• instigate /ˈɪnstɪɡeɪt/
1-(especially British English) to make something start or happen, usually something official
SYNONYM bring something about
: (보통 공식적으로) 실시[착수]하게 하다
The government has instigated a programme of economic reform.
정부가 경제 개혁 프로그램을 실시하게 했다.
2-to cause something bad to happen
: 부추기다, 선동하다
They were accused of instigating violence.
그들은 인종 차별적인 폭력을 부추긴다는 비난을 받았다.
Those found guilty of instigating the unrest will be punished.
• anthropologist /ˌænθrəˈpɑːlədʒɪst/
: • 인류학자
-a person who studies the human race, especially its origins, development, customs and beliefs
• contentious /kənˈtenʃəs/
1-likely to cause people to disagree
OPPOSITE uncontentious
: 논쟁을 초래할 (듯한)
a contentious issue/topic/subject
논쟁이 될 쟁점/화제/주제
Both views are highly contentious.
두 견해 다 대단히 논쟁적이다.
Try to avoid any contentious wording.
The government’s treatment of refugees remains a highly contentious issue.
2-liking to argue; involving a lot of arguing
: 논쟁을 좋아하는; 논쟁이 많이 벌어지는
a contentious meeting
논쟁이 많이 벌어지는 회의
• loom /luːm/
1-[intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to appear as a large shape that is not clear, especially in a frightening way
: 자동사 [usually + adv. / prep.] (특히 무섭게) 어렴풋이[흐릿하게] 보이다[나타나다]
A dark shape loomed up ahead of us.
검은 형체 하나가 우리 앞에 흐릿하게 나타났다.
2-[intransitive] (of something bad) to appear serious and likely to happen soon
: (중요하거나 위협적인 일이) 곧 닥칠 것처럼 보이다
There was a crisis looming.
위기가 닥쳐오고 있는 것 같았다.
• loom large
-to be frightening and make you worried because something seems hard to avoid
: (걱정·위기 등이) 크게 다가오다[불가피해 보이다]
The prospect of war loomed large.
전쟁이 일어날 가능성이 확실해 보였다.
The issue looms large in political campaigns nationwide.
• weaponize /ˈwepənaɪz/
-to make something suitable for use to harm somebody or to damage something
: 무기화하다
*weaponize something
They may have weaponized quantities of anthrax. /ˈænθræks/
그들이 대량의 탄저균을 무기화했는지도 모른다.
(figurative) They were accused of weaponizing fake news on social media to gain an advantage over their opponents.
• captivate /ˈkæptɪveɪt/
[often passive]
-to keep somebody’s attention by being interesting, attractive, etc.
SYNONYM enchant
: 타동사 [VN 흔히 수동태로] …의 마음을 사로잡다[매혹하다]
The children were captivated by her stories.
아이들은 그녀의 이야기에 매료되었다.
• worm
1-to use a twisting and turning movement, especially to move through a narrow or crowded place
: 타동사 [+ adv. / prep.] ~ your way (특히 좁은 공간·붐비는 사람들 사이를) 꿈틀거리며 나아가다
*worm your way + adv./prep.
She wormed her way through the crowd to the reception desk.
그녀는 사람들 사이를 뚫고 꿈틀거리며 접수 데스크까지 나아갔다.
• worm your way/yourself into something
-(disapproving) to make somebody like you or trust you, in order to gain some advantage for yourself
SYNONYM insinuate (2) /ɪnˈsɪnjueɪt/
: (남의 환심을 사며) ~속으로 살살 파고들다
He managed to worm his way into her life.
그는 그녀의 삶 속으로 살살 파고드는 데 성공했다.
He had somehow wormed his way into her affections.
• unholy /ʌnˈhəʊli/
1-dangerous; likely to be harmful
: 위험한, 위태로운
an unholy alliance between the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry
의료계와 제약업계 사이의 위험한 담합
2-not respecting the laws of a religion
: 불경스러운, 성스럽지 못한
3-[only before noun] (informal) used to emphasize how bad something is
: 비격식 [명사 앞에만 씀] 끔찍한, 지독한
She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess.
그녀는 어쩌다가 자신이 이런 끔찍한 혼란 속에 빠지게 되었는지 궁금했다.
There was an unholy row going on next door.
• melange /meɪˈlɑːnʒ/
(from French, formal)
-a mixture or variety of different things
: 불어에서, 격식 (여러 가지의) 혼합물
a melange of different cultures
여러 문화의 혼합
• provocateur /prəˌvɑːkəˈtɜːr/
= • agent provocateur /ˌɑːʒɑ̃ː prəʊˌvɑːkəˈtɜːr/
(from French)
-a person who is employed by a government to encourage people in political groups to do something illegal so that they can be arrested
: 불어에서 (pl. agents pro·voca·teurs[ˌæʒɒ~ prəˌvɒkəˈtɜːr; 美 ˌɑːʒɑː~ proʊˌvɑːkəˈtɜːr])
정부 공작원(불법 행동을 선동하여 체포를 유도하도록 정부가 정치 단체에 잠입시키는 공작원)
• commentator /ˈkɑːmənteɪtər/
1-a person who describes an event while it is happening, especially on television or radio
: (라디오·텔레비전의) 실황 방송 아나운서
*commentator (on something)
a television/sports commentator.
텔레비전/스포츠 실황 방송 아나운서
He's one of the great sports commentators of our time.
2-a person who is an expert on a particular subject and talks or writes about it on television or radio, in a newspaper or on social media
: (신문·방송의) 해설자
*commentator (on something)
She's a political commentator for the BBC.
정치 문제 해설자
Political commentators are predicting that the minister will have to resign.
a commentator on current affairs
He is best known as a commentator on culture and the arts.
• talking head /ˌtɔːkɪŋ ˈhed/
-a person on television who talks straight to the camera and is seen close up
: 비격식 (텔레비전에 나와서) 카메라에 대놓고 말하는 사람
The election broadcast consisted largely of talking heads.
그 선거 방송은 주로 카메라에 대놓고 말하는 사람들로 이뤄져 있었다.
• fan
-(literary) to make a feeling, an attitude, etc. stronger
: 타동사 문예체 (감정·태도 등을) 부채질하다[더욱 부추기다]
*fan something
His reluctance to answer her questions simply fanned her curiosity.
그녀의 질문에 그가 대답을 주저하는 것은 그녀의 호기심을 부채질할 뿐이었다.
• fan the flames (of something)
-to make a feeling such as anger, hate, etc. worse
: ~의 불길에) 기름을 끼얹은 격이 되다[불난 집에 부채질하다]
His writings fanned the flames of racism.
그의 글이 인종차별주의의 불길에 기름을 끼얹은 격이었다.
• wokeness /ˈwoʊk.nəs/
-a state of being aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality: - 캠브릿지
: 워크니스 (사회적 정의와 같은 이슈에 대해 민감한 정도)
to compare the level of wokeness
워크니스의 정도를 비교하다
His latest record displays his wokeness.
• prerogative /prɪˈrɑːɡətɪv/
-a right or advantage belonging to a particular person or group because of their importance or social position
: 격식 특권, 특혜
In many countries education is still the prerogative of the rich.
많은 나라들에서는 교육이 아직도 부자들의 특권이다.
the royal prerogative (= the special rights of a king or queen)
왕의 특권
The president exercised his prerogative to veto the bill.
• accusation /ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn/
[countable, uncountable]
-a statement saying that you think a person is guilty of doing something wrong or illegal; the fact of accusing somebody
: C, U 혐의 (제기), 비난; 고발, 기소
I don't want to make an accusation until I have some proof.
나는 어느 정도 증거가 있을 때까지는 혐의를 제기하고 싶지 않다.
There was a hint of accusation in her voice.
그녀의 목소리에 비난하는 기색이 보였다.
*accusation of something
accusations of corruption/cruelty/racism
부패 혐의 제기/잔혹 행위 고발/인종 차별 행위 고발
*accusation against somebody
At the time, no one believed her accusations against him.
No one believed her wild accusations against her husband.
아무도 그녀가 남편에 대해 마구 내뱉는 비난을 믿지 않았다.
*accusation that…
He denied the accusation that he had ignored the problems.
그는 그 문제들을 무시했다는 혐의를 부인했다.
*amid accusations
He fled the country amid accusations of fraud.
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
bring an accusation against somebody
• allegation / ˌæl ɪˈgeɪ ʃən /
= accusation
: (증거 없이 누가 부정한 일을 했다는) 혐의[주장]
Their allegations weren't backed up by any evidence.
• ingenuous /ɪnˈdʒenjuəs/
-honest, innocent and willing to trust people
SYNONYM. naive
: 순진한, 천진한, 사람을 잘 믿는
You're too ingenuous.
너는 너무 순진해.
an ingenuous smile.
천진한 미소
It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision.
그가 결정을 내리는 데 돈이 아무런 역할을 안 했다고 생각하는 것은 순진한 생각이다.
Ref) COMPARE. ↔ disingenuous
• disingenuous /ˌdɪsɪnˈdʒenjuəs/
[not usually before noun] (formal)
-not sincere, especially when you pretend to know less about something than you really do
COMPARE ingenuous
: 격식 [대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀] 솔직하지 못한(특히 아는 것을 모른다고 하는)
It would be disingenuous of me to claim I had never seen it.
내가 그것을 한 번도 본 적이 없다고 주장한다면 솔직하지 못한 일이 될 겁니다.
• unequivocally /ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkəli/
-very clearly and strongly
SYNONYM unambiguously
: 격식 명백하게, 분명하게
We are unequivocally in favour of the changes.
He stated unequivocally that he knew nothing about the document.
• inequity /ɪnˈekwəti/
[countable, uncountable]
(plural inequities)
-something that is unfair; the state of being unfair
SYNONYM injustice
: C, U 격식 (pl. -ies) 불공평
The new government sought to justify social inequity by promoting ideals of self-help.
There are huge inequities in funding for schools.
• equity [ˈɛkwɪti] 공평, 공정 = fairness ↔ • inequity
• equitable for [ˈɛkwɪtəbəl] 공평한, 공정한 = just and right for ↔ • inequitable
• equal [íːkwəl] 평등한, 동등한 ↔ • unequal
• equality [ɪ ˈkwɒlɪti] 평등, 균등, ↔ • inequality /ˌɪnɪˈkwɑːləti/
• equalitarian [ikwὰlitέəriən] 평등주의자
• egal [íːgəl] (폐어) 평등한, 동등한 → • equal
• egality [igǽlɪti] (폐어) 사회적·정치적인 평등 = • égalité [eɪgaliˈteɪ]
• egalitarian [ɪˌgælɪˈtɛəriən] 평등주의자
• glamorize /ˈɡlæməraɪz/
(British English also glamorise)
(usually disapproving)
-to make somebody/something appear attractive or exciting, especially something that is actually bad
: 타동사 보통 못마땅함 [VN] 미화하다, 매력적으로 만들다
*glamorize somebody/something
Television tends to glamorize violence.
텔레비전은 폭력을 미화하는 경향이 있다.
These are real-looking kids and parents, not glamorized Hollywood extras.
• Glamorization UK /ɡlamərʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/
-making something or someone more beautiful (often in a superficial way)
: [불가산] 미화. 매력 있게 만들기, 매력 더하기
• sugar-coat /ˈʃʊɡər kəʊt/ [• sugarcoat]
-to do something that makes an unpleasant situation seem less unpleasant
: 타동사 [VN] (불쾌한 상황을) 보기 좋게 꾸미다, 사탕발림을 하다
*sugar-coat something
There’s no way of sugar-coating it—the report predicts a grim future for the industry.
• impassioned /ɪmˈpæʃnd/
[usually before noun]
-(usually of speech) showing strong feelings about something
SYNONYM fervent
: [주로 명사 앞에 씀] (보통 연설이) 열정적인, 간절한
an impassioned plea/speech/defence
간절한 탄원/열정적인 연설/열띤 방어
He made an impassioned plea for the rebels to lay down their arms.
She wrote an impassioned letter to her local newspaper to complain about the new road.
• shoddy /ˈʃɑːdi/
(comparative shoddier, superlative shoddiest)
1- (of goods, work, etc.) made or done badly and with not enough care
SYNONYM second-rate
: (상품·작품 등이) 조잡한
shoddy goods
조잡한 상품
shoddy workmanship
조잡한 솜씨
2-dishonest or unfair
: 부정직한, 부당한
shoddy treatment
부당한 처리
• righteous /ˈraɪtʃəs/
1-morally right and good
: (도덕적으로) 옳은
a righteous God
지당하신 하나님
He considered himself to be holy and righteous in all his ways.
2-that you think is morally acceptable or fair
SEE ALSO self-righteous
: 당연한
righteous anger/indignation, etc.
당연한 분노/의분 등
• self-righteous
: 못마땅함 독선적인
• indignation /ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃn/
-a feeling of anger and surprise caused by something that you think is unfair or unreasonable
: U 분개, 분함
The rise in train fares has aroused public indignation.
기차 요금 인상은 대중의 분개를 불러일으켰다.
*indignation at/about/over something
The government expressed its indignation over the way the incident had been handled.
*indignation that…
Joe quivered with indignation that Paul should speak to him like that.
조는 폴이 자기에게 그런 식으로 말을 한 것이 분해서 몸을 떨었다.
*to the indignation of somebody
Some benefits apply only to men, much to the indignation of working women.
일부 혜택은 남자들에게만 적용이 되어서 직장 여성들의 많은 분개를 사고 있다.
*to be full of righteous indignation (= the belief that you are right to be angry even though other people do not agree)
의분에 가득 차 있다
*in indignation
She turned to him in indignation.
*with indignation
He refused it with some indignation.
*indignation against
public indignation against the government
• elicit /ɪˈlɪsɪt/
-to get information or a reaction from somebody, often with difficulty
: (정보·반응을 어렵게) 끌어내다
*elicit something (from somebody)
I could elicit no response from him.
나는 그에게서 아무 반응도 끌어낼 수 없었다.
Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience.
그녀의 눈물은 청중들로부터 큰 연민을 불러일으켰다.
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
Elicit is used with these nouns as the object: chuckle , comment , emotion , information , laughter , reaction , reply , response , sympathy
• apparatus /ˌæpəˈrætəs/
(plural apparatuses)
1-[uncountable] the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task
: U 기구, 장치; (특정한 활동ㆍ과제를 하는 데 필요한) 기구[장치]; 특히 과학적, 의학적, 기술적 목적을 위해 쓰인다.
a piece of laboratory apparatus
실험실 기구 하나
Firefighters needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.
소방관들이 불타고 있는 그 집에 들어가기 위해서는 산소 호흡기가 필요했다.
Science departments say they are lacking basic apparatus.
2-[countable, usually singular] the structure of a system or an organization, particularly that of a political party or a government
: C, 주로 단수로 (특히 정당·정부의) 조직체[기구]
the power of the state apparatus
국가 기구의 권력
We cannot do without the apparatus of government in protecting the rights of the individual.
intelligence apparatus
정보 기관
3-[countable, usually singular] (specialist) a system of organs in the body
: C, 주로 단수로 전문 용어 (신체의) 기관
the sensory apparatus
감각 기관
the digestive apparatus
소화 기관.
• harness /ˈhɑːrnɪs/
1-to put a harness on a horse or other animal; to attach a horse or other animal to something with a harness
: 타동사 (말 등의 동물에[을]) 마구를 채우다[마구로 연결하다]
*harness something
to harness a horse
말에 마구를 씌우다
*harness something to something
We harnessed two ponies to the cart.
우리는 조랑말 두 마리에 마구를 채워 작은 마차에 연결했다.
(figurative) In some areas, the poor feel harnessed to their jobs.
일부 지역에서는 가난한 사람들이 일에 꼼짝없이 매여 있다고 생각한다.
2-harness something to control and use the force or strength of something to produce power or to achieve something
: 타동사 (동력원 등으로) 이용[활용]하다
attempts to harness the sun’s rays as a source of energy
태양 광선을 동력원으로 이용하려는 시도
We must harness the skill and creativity of our workforce.
우리는 우리 노동자들의 기술과 창의력을 활용해야 한다.
*harness A for B
How can this energy be harnessed effectively for the good of humankind?
They are attempting to harness the power of the sun.
• conscientious /ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs/
-taking care to do things carefully and correctly
: 양심적인, 성실한
a conscientious student/teacher/worker
성실한 학생/교사/근로자
He was thorough and conscientious, rather than brilliant.
She was a popular and conscientious teacher.
*Conscientious objection
(병역 등의) 양심적 거부/기피
• provocative /prəˈvɑːkətɪv/
1-intended to make people angry or upset; intended to make people argue about something
: 도발적인, 화[부아]를 돋우려는
a provocative remark
화를 돋우려는[도발적인] 발언
He doesn't really mean that—he's just being deliberately provocative.
그가 그 말을 진심으로 한 건 아니었어. 그냥 일부러 부아를 돋우려고 그랬던 거야.
The book’s epilogue is deliberately provocative.
2-intended to make somebody sexually excited
: (성적으로) 자극[도발]적인
a provocative smile
도발적인 미소
She was dressed in a highly provocative way.
• outrageous /aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/
1-offensive and unacceptable
SYNONYM scandalous
: 너무나 충격적인, 언어도단인
outrageous behaviour
너무나 충격적인 행위
‘That’s outrageous!’ he protested.
‘그건 언어도단이에요!’ 그가 항의했다.
2-very unusual and intended to shock people slightly
: 아주 별난, 터무니없는
She says the most outrageous things sometimes.
그녀는 가끔 아주 터무니없는 말을 한다.
outrageous clothes
아주 별난 옷
• hateful /ˈheɪtfl/
-very unkind or unpleasant
: 혐오스러운
a hateful person/place/face
혐오스러운 사람/장소/얼굴
The idea of fighting against men of their own race was hateful to them.
자신들과 같은 종족인 병사들과 싸운다는 생각이 그들에게는 혐오스러웠다.
*hateful to somebody
I don't understand how people can be so hateful to one another.
I tried to ignore her hateful words.
We will not tolerate this hateful bullying.
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
*Hateful is used with these nouns: ideology , speech
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