목록전체 글 (1549)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
*참고: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tsQSvW7o3bv6xQr_VCcg5AJoE-To26xr/view?usp=drivesdk
"롤랜드" 『내가 돈으로 거의 모든 물건을 살 수 있게 되었을 때가 되어서야 돈으로 살 수 없는 것의 소중함을 깨닫게 되었다』
.*출처: https://youtu.be/3 Cq48 Jykyi8? si=ZyHLam_7 VEyAom5 n.
You also need to be knowledgeable about priority management over time management. Maybe an issue you want to raise isn't a top priority for your team leader and is devalued. I need to practice my skills to make my lower-priority issue become a high priority one. I need to identify the key element liking your issue to the corporate goal This demanding supplier takes up my time with follow-ups on..
"Yogi Berra" 『It ain't over till it's over.』 "요기 베라" 『끝날 때까지 끝난 게 아니다.』
■ 뇌정지 왔을 때 가만히 있을래? 뭐라도 말할래? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHAHy7eK05M)#뭐라고 얘기해야 될까? Level 1. How can I explain this?= How can I say this?= How can I describe this to you?...Level 2.What am I trying to say (here)?= What am I talking about (here)?자기가 설명하고 있는 상태에서 본인이 깔끔하게 설명하지 못한다고 느끼고 있을 때, 설명이 좀 개뿔같다.'내가 지금 무슨 말을 하고 있지?' 하면서, "다시 한번 해볼게." 와 같은 뉘앙스. ...Level 3. All right, that was way too con..
Synonyms• reason • explanation* • grounds • basis • excuse • motive • justification • pretextThese are all words for a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done. • reason a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done; a fact that makes it right or fair to do something:e.g.) He said no but he didn’t give a reason. • e..