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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)


66일 습관의 법칙/03: EF 온라인 영어 92

12일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 1 DESCRIBING YOUR COMPANY'S CULTURE - [Confusable verbs]

12일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 1 DESCRIBING YOUR COMPANY'S CULTURE - [Confusable verbs] ※ Confusable verbs Some verbs look similar and have similar, but not identical, meanings. They are often confused and used incorrectly. It may help to remember which verb takes an object and which doesn't. Lie can mean 'to recline.' It does not take a direct object. Lay can mean 'to place' or 'to ..

11일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 1 DESCRIBING YOUR COMPANY'S CULTURE - [Corporate culture]

11일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 1 DESCRIBING YOUR COMPANY'S CULTURE - [Corporate culture] [INTERVIEWER] What are your thoughts about corporate social responsibility, [INTERVIEWER] and what guidance can you give the students as a, as a parting statement? • parting /ˈpɑːrtɪŋ/ [only before noun] -said or done by somebody as they leave : [명사 앞에만 씀] 이별[작별]의 e.g.) a parting kiss 이별의 입맞춤 His..

09일차. ♣ Unit 1. Manners and etiquette - LESSON 4 EXPRESSING SYMPATHY - [Sympathy cards]

• bereavement /bɪˈriːvmənt/ 1-[uncountable] the state of having lost a relative or close friend because they have died : U 사별 e.g.) the pain of an emotional crisis such as divorce or bereavement 이혼이나 사별 같은 정서적 위기로 인한 고통 a sense of bereavement learning to cope with bereavement bereavement counselling 2-[countable] the death of a relative or close friend : C 가족[친지]의 사망, 상 e.g.) A family bereavemen..

08일차. ♣ Unit 1. Manners and etiquette - LESSON 4 EXPRESSING SYMPATHY - [Offering condolences]

[WOMAN] Um, a friend of mine, her mother recently passed from breast cancer, and I wasn't able to attend the funeral. [WOMAN] 'Based on what you've told me, your mother died in peace with her loved ones around her, and what more could one ask? [WOMAN] So, our thoughts are with you and in sympathy.' ※ Expressing condolences *Here are some expressions you may find useful if someone is sick. I'm so..

05일차. ♣ Unit 1. Manners and etiquette - LESSON 3 DISCUSSING OFFICE ETIQUETTE - [Office etiquette]

♣ Unit 1. Manners and etiquette - LESSON 3 DISCUSSING OFFICE ETIQUETTE - [Office etiquette] • disruptive /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/ -causing problems, noise, etc. so that something cannot continue normally : 지장을 주는 e.g.) She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class. 그녀는 학급의 다른 학생들에게 지장을 주었다. We have been having building work done on the house which has been very disruptive. The company has managed ..

04일차. ♣ Group Class

♣ Group Class • all the same/just the same -despite this SYNONYM nevertheless : 그래도 [그럼에도 불구하고] e.g.) He’s not very reliable, but I like him just the same. 그가 그렇게 믿을 수 있는 사람은 아냐. 하지만 그래도 난 그가 좋아. ‘Will you stay for lunch?’ ‘No, but thanks all the same.’ “있다가 점심 먹고 가겠니?” “아니, 그래도 고마워.” All the same, there’s some truth in what she says. 그렇긴 하지만, 그녀의 말에도 어느 정도 진실성은 있다. Correction: @I could get a ra..

03일차. ♣ Unit 1. Manners and etiquette - LESSON 2. ASKING SOMEONE FOR A FAVOR - [Asking for a favor]

♣ Unit 1. Manners and etiquette - LESSON 2. ASKING SOMEONE FOR A FAVOR - [Asking for a favor] Could you do me a favor? I need someone to watch my dog. I was wondering if you could give me a ride to work. Absolutely! I'd be happy to help you. No problem! It would be my pleasure. I wish that I could, but I have other plans. I'm afraid I won't be able to. I have to visit my parents. I was wondering..
