목록오픽 (196)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
#(주제·이야기가) 삼천포로 빠지다 • stray from the subject • digress from the subject #삼천포에서 빠진 이야기를 다시 본론으로 돌아와서 • to return to the subject from the digression • digression /daɪˈɡreʃn/ -an act of talking about something that is not connected with the main point of what you are saying : 본론[주제]을 벗어남, 주제[본론]에서 벗어나기, (주제를 떠나서) 옆길로 빠지기 e.g.) After several digressions, he finally got to the point. 몇 가지 다른 얘기를 하다가 ..
# ~~~ as 형용사 (+a 명사/명사s) / 부사 as ever 구문 e.g.) His mind is as sharp as ever. (옥스포드) 그의 정신은 그 어느 때나 다름없이 예리하다. He was as kind a man as ever drew breath. (옥스포드) 그는 살아 숨쉬는 그 어떤 남자 못지않게 친절했다. Things are as fraught as ever in the office. (옥스포드) 사무실 내의 사정이 어느 때 못지않게 걱정스럽다. Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be found. (옥스포드) 변함없이 찾기 힘든 에릭은 어디에서도 보이지 않았다. The distance between fashion and art remai..
# stand 관련 phrasal verbs 정리 • stand up 1-to get up onto your feet : 서다 e.g.) The children stood up when the teacher walked into the room. 2-to be on your feet : 서 있다 e.g.) There were no seats left so I had to stand up. 남은 의자가 없어서 나는 서 있어야 했다. @You'll look taller if you stand up straight. 몸을 똑바로 하고 서 있으면 키가 더 커 보일 것이다. • stand somebody up -(informal) to deliberately not meet somebody you have arr..
• analysis -명사, 복수형 https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/analysis?q=analysis • analyse - 동사, 3인칭 단수형 https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/analyse?q=analyse
• missing 1-that cannot be found or that is not in its usual place; that has been removed, lost or destroyed SYNONYM. lost : (사물이) 제자리에 있지 않고 없어진[실종된]; (원래 있던 것이) 빠진[분실된/폐기된] *missing from something e.g.) I never found the missing piece. 나는 없어진 그 조각을 끝내 못 찾았다. Cases with missing data are excluded from the report. My gloves have been missing for ages. 내 장갑이 없어진 지 한참 되었다. Two files have gone missi..
#용법: look at or preposition + somebody/something + in/with 감정 관련 명사. *to look / watch / view / observe / regard (somebody / something) + in / with amazement / surprise / disapproval / dismay, etc. : (~을) 놀라서 / 놀라서 / 못마땅해하며 / 경악하며 보다[주시하다] e.g.) He looked at her in dismay. 그가 경악하며 그녀를 쳐다보았다.
• leave a lot, much, something, etc. to be desired -to be bad or unacceptable : 유감스러운 점이 많다, 많다, 있다 등 e.g.) The service in the restaurant left a lot to be desired. It leaves much to be desired It leaves something to be desired
be up to one's neck in something = be up to one's ears in something = be up to one's eyes in something = be up to one's eyebrows in something = be up to one's eyeballs in something -to have a lot of something to deal with : (해야 할 일 등이 아주 많아서) 목까지 차 있다 : (처리해야 할 일이) 목까지 차 있다 : ~이 목까지 차 있다[해야 할 ~이 태산이다] : (해야 할 일 등이) 머리끝까지 차 있다 : (해야 할 일이) 머리끝까지 차 있다 e.g.) We’re up to our neck in debt. 우리는 빚이 목까지 ..
※ free 단어 정리. ● free Adverb (also "free of charge") 1-without payment - 옥스포드 e.g.) Children under five travel free. We will send you our booklet free of charge. Ref) [Oxford Collocations Dictionary] *verbs • become *adverb • absolutely, completely, entirely *phrases • for free | • free of charge *preposition • for ● free Adjective 3-costing nothing - 옥스포드 : 무료의 *free to somebody *free for somebo..