• 전형
: 됨됨이나 재능 따위를 가려 뽑음. 또는 그런 일.
서류 전형.
전형을 거쳐 신입생을 선발하다.
• selection /sɪˈlekʃn/
1-[uncountable] the process of choosing somebody/something from a group of people or things, usually according to a system
SEE ALSO self-selection
: U 선발, 선정, 선택
She took a long time to make her selection.
The final team selection will be made tomorrow.
최종 팀의 선발은 내일 있을 것이다.
the random selection of numbers
무작위 숫자 선정
selection criteria
선발[선정] 기준
the selection process
선발[선정] 과정
Artists are chosen by a selection committee.
Jury selection in the cases is due to begin next week.
*selection for
her selection for the England squad
*selection as
his unexpected selection as party leader
2-[countable] a number of people or things that have been chosen from a larger group
: C 선발[선정/선택]된 사람들[것들]
*selection of something
A selection of readers' comments is published below.
독자 의견 중에서 선정된 내용들은 아래에 실려 있습니다.
*selection from something
The orchestra played selections from Hollywood musicals.
3-[countable] a collection of things from which something can be chosen
SYNONYM choice, range
: C 선택 가능한 것들(의 집합)
*selection of something
The showroom has a wide selection of kitchens.
전시실에는 선택 가능한 다양한 주방 제품들이 있습니다.
The wine selection isn't bad.
• Local talent and regional talent
: 지방 인재, 지역 인재
• vet
1-to find out about a person’s past life and career in order to decide if they are suitable for something
SYNONYM screen
SEE ALSO extreme vetting, positive vetting, vetting
: (어떤 직책을 맡게 될 사람에 대해) 조사[심사]하다
*vet somebody
All candidates are carefully vetted for security reasons.
보안상의 이유들 때문에 모든 후보들은 면밀한 조사를 받게 된다.
• vetting /ˈvetɪŋ/
[uncountable, countable]
1-the process of checking something with great care
The agreement went through a careful process of vetting by lawyers.
Brokers will do some vetting of companies seeking funding.
2-the process of finding out everything about a person's past life and career in order to decide if they are suitable for something
the screening and vetting of all airport-based employees
Homeowners undergo a thorough vetting to ensure they can afford the repayments.
We are introducing new security vetting procedures.
• positive vetting /ˌpɑːzətɪv ˈvetɪŋ/
[uncountable, countable] (British English)
-the process of checking everything about a person’s background and character when they apply for a job in which they will have to deal with secret information, especially in the civil service
: U, C 英 (기밀을 담당할 직책 지원자, 특히 공무원에 대한) 신원 조회
• extreme vetting /ɪkˌstriːm ˈvetɪŋ/
-the process of checking everything about a person's background and character to decide whether to allow them to enter the US
:- 개인의 배경, 성격 등에 관한 모든 사항을 확인하여 미국 입국 여부를 결정하는 과정
The president said he would impose extreme vetting to keep out terrorists.
• Talent Screening
-What is Talent Screening?
Talent screening is a systematic and structured process employed by HR professionals and hiring managers to evaluate job applicants based on predetermined criteria and requirements. It involves assessing candidates' qualifications, skills, experience, and cultural fit to identify the most suitable individuals for a specific role within an organization.
In talent screening, HR professionals aim to match candidates' capabilities with the job requirements to ensure a successful and productive hire.
■ Recruitment target system for local talent
• In order to support balanced national development and advancement of excellent local talent into public office, the government has introduced a recruitment target system for local talent in the fifth-grade national civil service recruitment test since 2007, and expanded it to the National Open Competitive Exam for Grade 7 in 2015.
• Under this system, when more than 10 people are to be selected in an exam to select Grade 5 and 7 Open Competitive exams and diplomat candidates, and if the ratio of local talent of a certain percentage of local talents (successful candidates who have graduated from a school in a local area, excluding Seoul) falls short of a certain rate (20% for Grade 5 and diplomats and 30% for Grade 7), additional selections are made (among local talent) in addition to the previously set number.
■ Recruitment system for local talent recommendation
• Since 2005, the government has introduced and operated the "Recruitment system for local talent recommendation," an internship-based recruitment system, to enhance regional representation in public offices, to achieve balanced national development, and to expand the advancement of high school graduates into public offices.
• In 2005, such talent were selected at Grade 6 level, and since 2010, they have been selected at Grade 7, and in 2012, the system was expanded to include Grade 9.
• In the case of Local Talent Level 7, those who have acquired a bachelor's degree (or are scheduled to acquire such a degree) are selected through school recommendations, and after a one-year probationary period, it is decided whether or not to appoint the person as a Grade 7 civil servant in general service (national public official). Similarly, Local Talent Level 9 is a system that selects (expected) graduates from specialized high schools, Meister high schools, etc. through school recommendations, and after a six-month probationary period, it is decided whether or not to appoint the person as a Grade 9 civil servant in general service (national public official).
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