『열심히 공부한 내용을 정리해서 올리는 공간입니다.』

【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

23일차. 2023-12-07. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2024. 2. 15. 02:02

🗣 스픽 🗣


📌 I hope you can assist me with managing any conversation.

"taking care of"는 대화를 관리한다는 말보다는 무언가를 돌보거나 처리한다는 뜻이 강해요. "managing any conversation"으로 바꾸면 대화를 관리하는 것에 대한 도움을 구하는 더 정확한 표현이 됩니다.


📌 Could we talk about everyday life?

'Perhaps'는 여기서 필요 없고, 'the things about' 대신에 'talk about'을 바로 쓰는 게 더 자연스러워요. 'daily life' 앞에 'the'를 넣지 않고 'everyday life'라고 하는 게 일반적인 표현이에요.


📌 Recently, I started leading a study group with my coworkers. It's somewhat challenging, but I believe there will be rewarding aspects.

문장을 간결하게 만들어서 더 자연스럽고 명확한 표현이 되었어요. "a little bit"는 "somewhat"으로 바꿔서 좀 더 표준적인 표현을 쓰고, "there will be something like rewarding stuff"를 "there will be rewarding aspects"로 바꿔서 더 명확하게 만들었어요.


That sounds like a great responsibility! Leading a study group can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. What are some specific challenges you have faced so far?


📌 So far, so good. I haven't faced any challenges yet, but I expect there will be some in the future.

"Until now, I have not been faced with any challenges" 보다는 "I haven't faced any challenges yet"이 더 자연스러워요. "There will be something like challenging stuff" 대신 "I expect there will be some in the future"가 더 명확하고 간결해요.


Challenges are a part of leadership. Is there anything specific you anticipate or need advice on handling?


📌 I already told you there haven't been any challenges so far, so could we change the subject? Maybe we could talk about how I felt during the first study session?

처음 말씀하신 것을 조금 더 명확하게 표현하고, 문장을 좀 더 자연스럽게 만들어 봤어요. "there is nothing to discuss anymore" 대신 "there haven't been any challenges so far"로 하면 현재까지는 문제가 없었다는 걸 더 분명하게 할 수 있고, "how about changing the topic?" 대신 "could we change the subject?"를 사용하면 주제를 바꾸자는 요청이 더 공손해 보여요. "So perhaps by how I felt during the first study?" 대신 "Maybe we could talk about how I felt during the first study session?"로 하면, 첫 공부 때의 느낌에 대해 이야기하자는 의도를 더 명확하게 전달할 수 있어요.


📌 Overall, all of the participants were fully prepared to attend this study. For example, they had already left their comments or content to be discussed. Additionally, this study group is divided into two sessions. The first session is for correction, proofreading, and providing feedback on their English speech.

첫째, 'attending' 대신 'to attend'를 써서 '준비하다'라는 뜻을 명확하게 표현해요. 둘째, 'to know' 대신 'to be discussed'를 써서 '논의될 내용'이라는 의미를 더 정확하게 전달해요. 셋째, 문장 구조를 간결하게 하여 내용이 더 명확하게 전달되도록 수정했어요.


Were the participants able to improve their English skills through the first session?


📌 You know, that was just the first study session, so it's not enough to significantly improve their English speaking skills. It remains to be seen. By the way, I've been wondering which kind of content would be helpful for learning English.

"just only"는 중복된 표현이에요. "just"나 "only" 중 하나만 사용해요. 그리고 시제에 주의해야 해요, 과거의 일을 말할 때는 "that is" 대신 "that was"를 사용해요. "help me with learning"은 "be helpful for learning"로 더 자연스럽게 표현할 수 있어요.


📌 The things you mentioned are very cliché for learning English. I mean, I want to find something practical and well-customized for me.

"Your mentioned"라고 하지 말고, "The things you mentioned"라고 하는 게 더 자연스러워요. 그리고 문장 순서도 중요해요. "I mean, just I wanted" 대신에 "I mean, I want to"라고 말하는 게 더 매끄럽고, "any" 대신 "something"을 사용하는 게 이 상황에 더 잘 어울려요.


What topics or areas are you interested in? That way, we can try to find practical and well-customized learning resources for you.


📌 To be exact, I already have enough learning resources. I mean, I think I've already found the answer. It's about time management and prioritizing.

"Already"는 동사 앞에 위치해야 자연스럽고, "I have gotten already answer" 대신 "I've already found the answer"라고 하면 더 간결하고 명확해져요. "Priority management"는 "prioritizing"으로 더 간단히 표현할 수 있어요.


Time management and priority management are excellent areas to focus on for personal development. Are you looking for specific tips or strategies in these areas?


📌 No, I already know, but my actions or behavior don't follow my strategy. So there's a discrepancy between what I have to do and what I actually do.

'know'와 'do'는 서로 다른 것을 나타내요. 'know'는 알고 있는 것, 'do'는 실제로 하는 행동이에요. 그리고 'my action'이라고 하지 않고 'my actions' 또는 'my behavior'라고 하는 게 더 자연스럽고, 'does not' 대신 'don't'를 쓰는 것이 문법적으로 맞아요.


📌 Perhaps the most critical factor is my health. Health is closely related to energy levels, which enable me to study. However, I often feel a lack of energy, which might be due to lethargy /ˈleθərdʒi/ or fatigue, preventing me from studying for extended periods.

문장을 간결하게 만들어서 더 명확한 의미 전달이 가능하도록 했어요. 불필요한 단어나 반복은 줄이고, 'energy'와 'study'의 관계를 분명히 했습니다.


📌 I haven't thought it over. Maybe prioritizing sleep is already well practiced in my daily routine. However, when it comes to exercise, I don't think I invest enough effort or time to improve my health. But you know, that is what I am trying to focus on – or rather, that's what I should be focusing on. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say right now.

"Think"는 현재 시제이지만 여기서는 과거형인 "thought"를 써야 해요. "The"는 "sleep"나 "exercise" 앞에 필요 없어요. 문장을 좀 더 명확하고 자연스럽게 하려면 "But you know, that is what I am trying to focus on. That is not what I am focusing on." 이 부분을 "But you know, that's what I should be focusing on."으로 고치는 게 좋아요. 마지막으로 "I don't know what I am wanting to say right now."는 "I'm not sure what I'm trying to say right now."로 고치면 더 자연스러워요.


📌 Lately, I've lost the sense of fun in my life to relieve stress. So, without giving it much thought, my spontaneous answer would be to talk about any topic in English with someone who is also very dedicated to learning the language.

"lose any fun" 대신에 "lost the sense of fun"이 더 자연스럽고 일상적인 표현이에요. 그리고 "let off my strength"는 "relieve stress"로 바꾸는 게 맞아요. "strength"는 힘을 말하지만, "stress"는 스트레스를 의미하니까요. "thoughtful time"보다는 "giving it much thought"가 적절하고, "spur-of-the-moment answer" 대신 "spontaneous answer"를 사용하는 게 더 자연스러워요. 마지막으로, "anyone who learns"는 "someone who is also very dedicated to learning"으로 바꾸면 의지가 강한 사람과 이야기하고 싶다는 뜻을 더 잘 전달할 수 있어요.


📌 But I have one question. Speaking with learners is for practicing English well, isn't it?

문장을 좀 더 자연스럽게 만들려면 주어와 동사의 순서를 바르게 하고, 'speak' 대신 'speaking'을 쓰세요. "isn't it?"는 문장 끝에서 확실한 확인을 구하는 표현이에요.
