태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
24일차. 2023-12-08. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문
🗣 스픽 🗣
📝 Recently, I attended a study session on the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of kindergartens.
그리고 'efficient, especially how cost-efficient' 부분을 'efficiency and cost-effectiveness'로 바꾸면 더 간결하고 명확한 표현이 됩니다.
'Got it! So, you attended a study session that focused on the efficiency, particularly the cost-efficiency, of the kindergarten. Is that correct?
📝 No, thanks. Now, the next sentence is as follows: Thank you all for attending my study session. Even though you have had a hectic week, you are still here to attend my study session. I'm really grateful to you.
문장을 더 자연스럽게 만들기 위해 "by the way"는 여기서 필요 없고, "a hectic life during the work week"보다 "a hectic week"라고 하는 게 더 간단하고 명확해요. 그리고 "grateful of you" 대신 "grateful to you"라고 써야 맞아요.
Thank you all for attending my study session. Despite your busy schedules, I am truly grateful for your presence. Anything else to review?
📝 I hope we can all share what we've prepared for today's session and gain some feedback or insights from each other. I'm looking forward to a productive discussion.
"Communicate"보다 "share"가 자연스러운 표현이에요. 그리고 "there must be"보다는 "I'm looking forward to"가 기대감을 나타내는 더 적절한 표현이에요.
Let's strive for productive discussions where we can communicate effectively and gain valuable feedback and insights from others. Anything else for me to review?
📝 The first session will allow time for discussion based on the provided questions. However, you're not required strictly to stick to these questions. Feel free to adapt the given questions based on the situation, or even improvise questions as needed. Sometimes, it's okay to play it by ear.
문장이 길어서 좀 복잡해 보일 수 있어요. 짧고 간결하게 핵심만 전달하는 게 더 명확하고 이해하기 쉬워요. "Play by ear"는 표현이에요. "Play it by ear"로 쓰는 게 맞아요.
In the first session, we will discuss given questions, but feel free to improvise and adapt as needed. Is there anything else you'd like me to review?
📝 During the first session, I hope you will be able to define your occupation, career goal, and career path clearly and concisely. Then, before we start the second session, please upload or enter your definitions into a Google Docs document during the break.
"Through the first session" 대신 "During the first session"으로 시작하는 게 더 자연스러워요. 그리고 "make precise and firm definitions"보다 "define...clearly and concisely"가 더 명확하고 간결해요. "Before starting the second session"과 "before break time"이 반복되니까 "Then, before we start the second session"으로 하나로 합치고, "I hope you to"는 명령형으로 바꾸는 게 좋아요. "upload or leave"는 "upload or enter"로 바꾸는 게 더 자연스럽습니다.
In the first session, we'll define occupation, career goals, and career paths. Please upload your definitions in the Google Docs document before the second session. Anything else to review?
📝 Even though you have your own personality and temperament, you can't always express yourself openly and transparently. This is because, at work, you need to communicate with your coworkers or senior staff. In those situations, you may need to present yourself as a very good and consistently diligent employee.
여기서는 "personality"와 "temperament"를 단수형으로 사용하는 것이 더 자연스러워요. 그리고 'however'는 문장 시작에 오면 안 되고, 'coworkers'와 'senior staff'는 'with'와 같이 써야 해요. "Disguise as" 대신 "present yourself as"를 쓰면 '가장하다'보다는 '자신을 어떻게 보여주다'라는 뉘앙스가 더 적절해요.
It is crucial to maintain a professional image at work by portraying yourself as a diligent and dependable team member when interacting with coworkers and senior staff.
📝 Of course, when I'm with very close coworkers, I feel somewhat free to show my personality, but I still have to be cautious about what I say and how I present myself.
"Half of a percent" 대신 "somewhat"를 사용하는 것이 더 자연스럽고 일반적이에요. 그리고 "telling him" 대신 "what I say"를 사용하면 누구에게 말하든 적용되니 더 좋아요. "Who I am really"는 "how I present myself"로 바꾸면 더 명확하고 정확한 표현이 됩니다.
It's normal to feel more at ease with close coworkers, but it's important to still be cautious about what you share. Anything else to review?
📝 The next point is as follows: Generally, there are four types of personas. The first is the image or personality that both I and others are aware of. The second is the one that I'm not aware of, but others are. The third is what I know about myself that others don't. And the last is what neither I nor others know about me.
첫 번째로, 'sentence' 대신 'point'를 사용해서 이야기의 핵심 부분이나 주제를 나타내는 게 더 적절해요. 두 번째로, 사람들의 인식에 대한 설명을 더 명확하고 간결하게 표현하려면 'both I and others'나 'neither I nor others' 같은 구문을 사용하는 게 좋아요.
There are four personas: the known by both, known by others, known by you, and unknown by both. Anything else to review?
📝 Regarding childcare, I'm quite strict and firm about safety issues. For instance, when I drive my car, I always make sure my daughter is seated and strapped in her child seat with the seat belt fastened. It's mandatory for her safety. However, sometimes she gets quite irritated by the seat belt. But regardless of her frustration, she must wear it. So, this issue often leads to conflicts between us.
너무 길어서 어려워 보여요. 문장을 좀 더 간결하게 만들어서 주제에 집중할 수 있게 해보세요. 또한, “seat belt or seat” 대신에 “child seat with the seat belt”라고 하면 더 명확해져요.
Safety is important in child care. It's understandable if your daughter gets irritated, but seat belt usage should always be enforced for her safety. Anything else to review?
📝 I suppose you've had quite an eventful career. I'd like to share our varied experiences as well.
"Checkered career" 대신에 "varied experiences"라는 표현을 사용하면 경력이 다양하고 여러 경험이 있었다는 것을 더 자연스럽게 표현할 수 있어요. "eventful working lives" 대신 "eventful career"라고 하면 직업 생활에 대해 이야기하는 것이 더 명확해져요.
It seems like you've had an interesting and varied career. I'd be happy to listen and learn about your experiences. Please go ahead and share.
📝 As you know, we've had some intense debates over the last month, so I think we might be a bit weary of them. Now, I'd like to have some relaxing time.
"From the last month" 대신에 "over the last month"를 사용하면 더 자연스러워요. 그리고 "maybe" 대신에 "might"를 쓰면 추측을 나타내는 표현으로 더 적절해요. "Weary of debates"는 "debates"가 복수니까 "them"으로 바꾸는 게 맞아요.
I understand debates can be tiring. Let's take a break and enjoy some relaxing time. What would you like to do or discuss?
📝 As you know, during the debates, we've been on the defensive. But now, I hope we can let our guards down and freely discuss the chosen topic without taking offense or getting angry.
문장을 좀 더 간결하게 하고, 'have your guards down' 대신 'let our guards down' 같이 좀 더 자연스러운 표현을 썼어요. 그리고 'no angry, no anger'는 'getting angry'로 바꿨어요, 더 일반적인 말이에요. 'posse or something'은 불필요해서 빼고, 메시지를 분명하게 전달할 수 있게 했어요.
Let's have a respectful and open discussion without any offense or anger. What topic would you like to talk about?
📝 Additionally, I hope you won't misinterpret someone's feedback as them being nosy /ˈnəʊzi/ or intrusive /ɪnˈtruːsɪv/.
"poke his nose into my affair"는 좀 어색해요. "being nosy or intrusive"라고 하는 게 더 자연스럽고, 표현도 더 정확하게 상대방이 깊숙이 관여하려는 것처럼 느껴질 수 있음을 설명해줘요.
It's important to avoid misunderstanding feedback as interference in personal matters. Let's maintain open-mindedness and constructive communication. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.
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