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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

22일차. 2023-12-06. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

22일차. 2023-12-06. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2024. 2. 14. 01:15

🗣 스픽 🗣


That's great! I'm all ears. What's been going on in your life lately?


📌 Okay, thank you for listening. Recently, I've been following up on some tasks related to preparing documents and gathering information about suppliers.

문장을 간결하게 만들고 필요한 부분만 남기세요. "following up" 뒤에 바로 "on some tasks" 같이 명확한 대상을 붙여 주는 것이 자연스러워요.


📌 No, it's for general matters. You know, when one company enters into a contract with another, there are certain required documents that need to be signed by the other party. For example, an NDA (non-disclosure agreement), a code of conduct, general terms and conditions, and so on. These documents must be signed by the partnering company.

"Stuff" 대신에 "matters"라는 단어를 쓰면 더 공식적이고 정확해요. 그리고 문장을 좀 더 간결하고 명확하게 구성해주는 것이 좋아요. "get a contract" 대신에 "enters into a contract"라고 하면 더 자연스럽고, "shall be signed up by"는 "must be signed by"로 바꾸면 더 간단하면서도 명확한 표현이에요.


📌 Because it's fundamental work to satisfy the ISO requirements. Although it's a bit of a hassle, it's still really necessary.

"Anyway"는 여기서 필요 없고, "however"도 뒤쪽에서 한 번만 사용하면 돼요. "A little bit of a"도 "a bit of a"로 줄이면 더 자연스러워요.


📌 Yeah, anyway, yesterday I had dinner with my co-workers. Actually, the dinner gathering was arranged by the vice director. I mean, not the vice director, but the deputy director.

밥을 먹는다고 할 때는 "the"를 안 붙이는 게 자연스럽고, "of our company" 대신 "my"를 쓰면 더 간단해져요. 그리고 "exactly" 대신 "I mean"이나 "but"를 써서 부사장이 아니라 부부사장이 주최했다는 것을 더 자연스럽게 바로잡을 수 있어요.


📌 Of course, I enjoyed the dinner with them. The younger coworkers are usually around my age, so we have a lot in common. The conversation never really stopped. However, sometimes when the deputy manager joined in, the conversation slowed down and wasn't as interesting, which is natural since we had less in common with him.

말을 좀 더 간결하게 하고, 과거에 있었던 일이니까 "enjoy" 대신에 "enjoyed"라는 과거형을 사용하는 게 맞아요. "Of course"는 이미 "물론"이라는 뜻이니까 "with both of them"을 "with them"으로 줄여도 돼요. "At my age or about my age"도 "around my age"로 간단히 표현할 수 있고, "overlap with us or with me"는 "have a lot in common"으로 더 자연스럽게 말할 수 있어요. "The deputy manager" 대신에 "the deputy director"라고 한 것도 기억해두면 좋을 것 같아요.


📌 Actually, my deputy manager complained about me not picking him up on the way to work. Honestly, I didn't think it was necessary to pick him up, even though he lives near me in Seomyeon. However, the route back home is completely different.

"nagged at me" 대신 "complained about me"라고 말하는 게 더 자연스럽고 정확해요. "On his way to work"는 빼도 문장이 완전하고 명확해요. "Adjacent to my place" 대신 "near me"로 쉽게 표현할 수 있고요, "the direction coming back to home is totally different" 대신 "the route back home is completely different"라고 말하는 게 더 간결하고 표준적인 표현이에요.


📌 You know, as a staff member or as a subordinate, it's less likely that my voice will be heard.

"Staff"는 보통 단독으로 쓰지 않고 "member"를 붙여서 "staff member"라고 하고요, "probable" 대신 "likely"를 사용하면 좀 더 자연스럽습니다. 그리고 "it is"를 반복하기보다는 "it's"로 줄여서 말하는 게 더 자연스러워요.


📌 No, I think he just didn't really want to be picked up. It seemed like he wanted to gauge my willingness by observing if I would offer to pick him up, like a test of my initiative.

제안하려는 의도를 더 명확하게 표현했어요. "pick him up"을 "be picked up"로 바꾸어 수동태를 사용하여 대리점장이 데리러 오기를 원하는지에 대한 문맥을 분명히 했고, "watch my willingness" 대신에 "gauge my willingness"를 사용하여 의지를 판단하려는 의미를 더 정확하게 전달했어요.


📌 My responsibilities are already fixed and clearly defined, so even though you, James, suggested that I be honest and earnest with him, it didn't work, and it won't work. The deputy manager won't listen to my honest answers; he just wants to talk as much as he can and expects me to keep listening.

반복되는 말을 줄이고 문장을 간결하게 해서 포인트를 더 명확하게 했어요. 그리고 "you suggested you suggested"처럼 반복되는 부분은 한 번만 말하는 게 좋아요.


📌 Yes, thank you for listening. Our company works with a vendor, Wikaa Korea, and I've been struggling with them due to numerous problematic issues and events.

"for being all ears" 대신에 "for listening"을 쓰면 더 자연스럽고 간단해요. 그리고 문장을 더 명확하고 간결하게 만들어 주는 것이 좋아요. "Vendor of theirs" 보다는 "works with a vendor"라고 하는 것이 더 매끄럽죠.


📌 Typically, there are three issues; one example is incorrect delivery. A certain project required a product from Wika Korea, which was supposed to be delivered to location B. I had specifically asked Wika Korea to send it there. However, they delivered it to the wrong location, causing a waste of time and effort.

설명을 간결하게 하고 주요 내용만 강조해요. 불필요한 말은 빼고, 중요한 부분만 명확하게 전달하려고 해 보세요.


📌 Of course, I made sure to inform Wika Korea about the correct shipping and delivery instructions, and they must ensure that this kind of mistake doesn't happen again. They acknowledged the issue when I spoke to them.

영어로 'alert' 대신 'inform'을 쓰는 것이 더 자연스럽고, 'shall'은 보통 공식적인 문서나 구식 표현에서 쓰이니까 일상 대화에서는 'must'나 'need to' 같은 표현을 쓰는 게 더 좋아요. "And the next time, Wika Korea shall never make this kind of mistakes." 이 문장은 너무 길고 복잡해서 "and they must ensure that this kind of mistake doesn't happen again."처럼 간단하게 바꾸는 게 더 명확해요.


📌 Yes, the second issue is about issuing tax invoices in Korea. As you may know, Korean finance always requires the final accounting to be reflected in a tax invoice, known as 세금 계산서 in Korean.

'Case' 대신에 'issue'를 쓰면 문제나 사안을 얘기할 때 더 자연스럽고, 'final accounting invoice'는 조금 어색해서 'final accounting to be reflected in a tax invoice'로 바꾸면 문맥상 더 명확해져요.
