『열심히 공부한 내용을 정리해서 올리는 공간입니다.』

【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)】 진행합니다. carriver77@naver.com

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

26일차. 2023-12-10. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2024. 3. 3. 23:10

🗣 스픽 🗣


📝 When I speak or say sentences, could you correct them to sound more natural? The first sentence is as follows: I actually have two options for working abroad. The first one is working at a local company in Germany, and the other is working at one of the branch offices of Samsung affiliates.

*반복되는 단어를 줄이고, 더 간결하고 명확하게 말할 수 있어요. 예를 들어, 'say something'이나 'say some sentences' 대신 'speak'나 'say sentences'로 표현하면 되고, 'Germany as a local German local company'는 'a local company in Germany'로 표현하는 게 더 자연스러워요.


I have two options for working abroad. First, working in Germany for a local company. Second, working in one of Samsung's overseas offices.


📝 Actually, my initial job was with a public company, specifically in customer management or customer relations, which was essentially business administration work. However, I felt that it didn't suit my personality or temperament, so I switched careers. I became a claims coordinator and worked in entry-level supply chain management for a German manufacturing company.

*문장을 더 간결하고 명확하게 만들었어요. 그리고 일상 영어에서는 'occupation'보다 'job'이라는 단어를 더 자주 써요. "basic level" 대신에 "entry-level"이라는 표현도 좀 더 자연스럽고 표준적인 단어 선택이에요.


Initially, I worked in customer management, but it didn't match my personality. So I switched to a claim coordinator role in a German manufacturing company.


📝 Actually, the reason I gave up my initial career path was that I needed to consider practical factors when getting my first job.

*"Occupation would have been" 대신에 "career path"라고 하면 더 자연스럽고, "to get my first job" 대신에 "when getting my first job"이라고 하는 게 더 매끄럽습니다. "The practical elements"라고 하지 말고 "practical factors"로 바꾸면 더 자연스럽게 들립니다.


It's understandable that you considered practical elements when choosing your first job. It's important to find a career path that aligns with your skills and interests.


📝 I also changed my first job because I needed to consider various aspects of my career.

*"Multi-faceted aspects" 대신 "various aspects"라고 하면 더 자연스럽고 쉽게 이해할 수 있어요. 그리고 "for the first time"은 여기서 필요 없어요, "changed my first job"이라고 하면 이미 처음으로 직업을 바꾼 걸 의미하니까요.


It's important to consider various aspects of your career when making a decision to change jobs. It shows your willingness to grow and explore new opportunities.



📝 So, I've actually changed both my workplace and occupation because I didn't stick with my initial field. There are two main reasons: firstly, I was looking for a role that demanded in-depth knowledge, and secondly, I wanted to expand my career horizons.

*더 간결하고 명확하게 말해요. 처음 직업이나 직장에 국한되지 않고, 'in-depth knowledge'와 'career horizons' 같은 표현을 써서 전문성과 경력의 확장을 좀 더 전문적으로 표현했어요.


It seems you changed both your workplace and occupation to pursue a role that required deeper knowledge and allowed for career growth. Challenging yourself is important for personal development.


📝 Actually, I wanted to avoid any stereotypical tasks. At the same time, I was seeking mental challenges at work. I was open to accepting any challenging roles because I believe that the more systematic and organized a job is, the more easily that job can be replaced by A.I.

*마지막 부분에서 문장을 좀 더 명확하게 만들어줬어요.


It's good that you sought out mentally challenging work and were open to accepting any task. This will help you continue to grow in your career.


📝 The better organized or systematic the task, the higher the risk of losing your job, because such occupations can easily be replaced by AI.

*"the more" 대신 "the better"를 쓰면 문장이 더 자연스럽고 이해하기 쉬워져요. 그리고 "occupation"보다 "job"이 더 일반적인 말이에요.


Yes, jobs that are well-organized and systematic can be easily replaced by AI. It's important to stay adaptable and learn new skills to stay competitive.


📝 That's why I wanted to avoid repetitive work. At my second job, I grew tired of the routine tasks in client management and basic supply chain management. So, I decided to change my job and field to broaden my knowledge in logistics, particularly international trading, and global logistics.

*반복되는 단어를 줄이고, 'repetitious' 대신 'repetitive'라는 더 일반적인 단어를 사용해보세요. 그리고, 'weary' 대신 'tired of'라고 하면 더 자연스럽고, 'horizons' 대신 'knowledge'를 사용하면 의미가 더 명확 해져요. 'Also, too'는 중복되니까 하나만 써도 돼요.


It seems you wanted to avoid repetitive work and explore new horizons in international trading and global logistics. That's a great way to broaden your skill set.


📝 Even though I worked for an international conglomerate, I didn't see myself as very skilled in supply chain management. Please don't misunderstand; I'm not belittling roles in international trading or logistics. It's just that, from my perspective, I needed to delve deeper into areas like purchasing or sourcing.

*너무 길고 복잡한 말은 피하고, 더 간단하고 명확하게 자신의 의견을 전달해 보세요. "dig down" 대신 "delve deeper" 같이 더 자연스러운 표현을 사용해요.


It's understandable that you wanted to focus on purchasing or sourcing within international trading and logistics. Specializing in areas of interest can lead to professional growth.


It's important to reflect on your career choices. Considering the repetitive nature of your work, it's understandable that you questioned whether to continue as an overseas buyer.


📝 After three years, I made the significant decision to change my workplace and further develop my career. You know, it's a bit of industry jargon, but supply chain management actually encompasses a variety of specialized studies and work scopes.

*"at the timing of three years and counting" 대신 "After three years"가 더 자연스러워요. 그리고 직업적인 용어를 설명할 때 "kind of a shop talk" 보다 "it's a bit of industry jargon"이 더 맞는 표현이에요. "Consists of the variety of subordinates"는 말이 어색하니 "encompasses a variety of specialized studies and work scopes"로 바꿔서 전문 분야와 업무 범위를 포함한다는 의미를 더 명확하게 전달할 수 있어요.


Supply chain management indeed encompasses various subfields and work scopes. It's important to explore different areas to further develop your career.


📝 Supply chain management indeed encompasses various subfields and work scopes. It's not a static or universal concept, but generally, when people refer to supply chain management, it includes logistics, warehouse management (WMS), and buying and purchasing. Buying tends to be focused on replenishment with fixed vendors and specifications, so it's not typically creative. However, there are niche aspects to consider. Then there's purchasing and sourcing. In Korean, sourcing is translated as 개발구매, while purchasing is simply 구매. And then...

*문장을 더 간결하고 명확하게 바꿔서 설명이 더 잘 이해되도록 했어요. "absolute"나 "general notion" 대신 "static or universal concept"이라는 표현을 사용해 더 자연스러워졌고, "so"를 너무 많이 사용하는 것보다 중요한 포인트만 간략하게 설명하는 게 좋아요.


Yes, supply chain management encompasses logistics, warehouse management, buying, purchasing, sourcing, and more. Each area has its own distinct focus and responsibilities within the overall supply chain process.


📝 I wanted to pursue sourcing or strategic purchasing, which is known as 전략구매 in Korean. Although I attempted to advance my career to a more specialized field, it was quite challenging. Despite majoring in English literature and having certificates in international trading, I encountered personal limitations. Nevertheless, I have accumulated expertise and engineering knowledge on my own through online classes, YouTube, and extensive reading.

*문장을 좀 더 간결하고 명확하게 만들어 주세요. 'Seek for' 대신에 'pursue'를 사용하면 바로 '추구하다'라는 의미가 되고, 이야기를 간단하게 요약해서 말할 때는 반복되는 표현을 줄이고 핵심만 말하는 게 좋아요.


It's impressive that you've taken the initiative to gain expertise and engineering knowledge through self-study. Building on your English literature background and international trading certificates, you're expanding your skill set.


📝 Even before I received the final job offer from my forth company, I had gone through roughly 70 interviews. Through this experience, I became quite familiar with the interview process, similar to what a headhunter experiences, but eventually, I secured a position in the sourcing department as a sourcing engineer for my fourth company.

(네번째 회사로부터 최종 채용 제안을 받기 전에도 저는 약 70번의 면접을 거쳤습니다. 이번 경험을 통해 헤드헌터가 경험하는 것과 비슷한 면접 과정에 익숙해졌지만, 결국 네 번째 회사의 소싱 엔지니어로 소싱 부서에 자리를 잡았습니다.)

*자연스러운 표현을 쓰고, 중요한 정보만 간결하게 전달해요. 말을 끊어가며 하면 어색하니까 문장을 좀 더 부드럽게 연결하는 방법을 써 보세요.


📝 Furthermore, the reason I wanted to pursue a career in sourcing is that I believe my third company and its role didn't provide me with challenging experiences. Humans always improve by overcoming difficulties. Facing challenges head-on means you have to work hard, but it's true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That's what I'm trying to say.

(또한, 제가 소싱 분야 경력을 쌓고 싶었던 이유는 세 번째 회사와 그 역할이 저에게 도전적인 경험을 제공하지 않았다고 믿기 때문입니다. 인간은 항상 어려움을 극복함으로써 발전합니다. 정면으로 도전에 직면한다는 것은 열심히 일해야 한다는 것을 의미하지만, 당신을 죽이지 않는 것이 당신을 더 강하게 만든다는 것은 사실입니다. 그것이 내가 말하려는 것입니다.)

*더 간결하고 명확한 표현을 쓰세요. 'Seek for landing' 같은 복잡한 표현 대신 'pursue a career' 같은 간단한 말을 쓰면 더 자연스럽고, 불필요한 부정문도 줄여서 말이 더 쉽게 이해되게 해줍니다. "Ordeal" 보다는 "difficulties"가 더 일반적으로 사용되는 단어에요.



(2024-03-03) 🗣 스픽 🗣.docx
