태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
28일차. 2023-12-12. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문
🗣 스픽 🗣
📝 Today, I'd like to make some small talk and then we can discuss how things are going.
"make some small talk"이라는 표현이 자연스러워요. "share how things are going on" 대신 "discuss how things are going"으로 하면 더 일상적인 영어가 돼요.
📝 Today, I had a corporate meeting with our headquarters. It was about how to solve the problem with customs clearance.
'headquarter'는 단수형이지만, 여기서는 본사를 의미하는 'headquarters'로 쓰는 것이 맞고, 'about the customs clearance' 대신 'with customs clearance'라고 하는 게 더 자연스러워.
Oh, that sounds like an important meeting. What were some of the solutions discussed for the customs clearance problem?
📝 Actually, our headquarters is used to omitting or missing service items on the customs invoice. However, if the value of service items is omitted, it could cause a very serious problem for our business.
"Headquarter" 대신에 "headquarters"가 맞는 표현이에요. 또 "got used to" 대신에 "is used to"가 현재의 습관이나 상태를 나타낼 때 쓰이고, "omitting"이나 "missing" 같은 동명사 앞에는 전치사 "to"를 써야 해요. "Values"도 "value"로 단수형으로 쓰는 게 맞고, "is omitted"보다는 "if omitted"가 문맥에 더 잘 맞아요.
[A.I] Were any solutions discussed during the meeting to prevent the omission of service items on the customs invoice?
📝 Actually, I had already suggested my solution. It was that our headquarters should include the total amount of service items in the customs invoice, especially for the physical goods, when arranging the first shipment to us.
원래 말한 것보다 더 명확하고 간결하게 표현해서 상대방이 이해하기 쉬워졌어.
📝 Actually, I wasn't frustrated by our headquarters' misunderstanding of my suggestion. My team leader, who is very knowledgeable about our internal processes, was able to clearly convey it. Essentially, my proposal was to ensure that the intangible service items are included on the customs invoice when our headquarters arranges the shipment of tangible goods.
원래 말은 조금 어색하고 길었는데, 수정된 문장은 더 간결하고 명확해져서 무슨 말인지 이해하기 쉬워졌어.
[A.I] Were they receptive to the idea of including the intangible service items in the customs invoice?
📝 Of course, several hands-on staff members and the team leader from headquarters attended the meeting. Most of the hands-on staff, except for the team leader, understood the explanation provided by my team leader. I believe the team leader's lack of understanding may be due to the fact that they are new to the company.
올바른 단어 선택과 간결한 문장으로 더 명확하고 이해하기 쉬워졌어요. "from the headquarter" 대신 "from headquarters"가 맞고, "elaborated upon"을 "the explanation provided by"로 바꾸어 문장을 더 간단하게 했어요.
📝 Actually, it wasn't me; my team leader fully clarified and resolved the issue because he had dealt with a similar problem a few years ago. Back then, he created some official documents, such as the minutes of the meeting, where he outlined the problem, situation, and proposed solutions. During our recent meeting, he presented that email as evidence, which helped him explain the issue to the other team members and relevant parties, leading to a better understanding all around.
원래 발화보다 수정된 발화가 더 나은 이유는, 수정된 발화에서 불필요한 반복이 줄어들고, 명확하게 문제가 해결된 경위를 간결하게 설명해서 이해하기 쉬워졌기 때문이야.
📝 Of course, I understand what you're saying, but it seems a bit too theoretical. She's the team leader at headquarters, so conducting training sessions might be embarrassing for her. Instead, we could share our experiences and knowledge about customs clearance tasks.
사실상 팀장이라서 훈련을 받으면 체면이 상할 수 있으니, 이론적인 것보다는 우리의 실무 경험을 나누는 게 더 낫다는 의견을 더 자연스럽고 간결하게 표현한 거야.
📝 Currently, I'm really considering additional income streams because I have expenses to cover, so I need to earn a significant amount of money. However, I realize it's not easy to make a lot of money, but I have to try.
원래 말한 것을 좀 더 명확하고 간결하게 정리해서 다시 말하면 좋아요. '나는 지금 추가 수입을 고려하고 있어. 왜냐하면 내가 지출이 있어서 더 많은 돈을 벌어야 하거든. 하지만 돈을 많이 버는 게 쉽지 않다는 걸 알아, 그래도 시도해볼 거야'라고 말하는 게 더 자연스럽고 이해하기 쉬워요.
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