태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
29일차. 2023-12-13. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문
🗣 스픽 🗣
[A.I] Of course! I'll be happy to provide information on Korean immigration policies. What specific aspect of the policy are you interested in?
[A.I] The positive effects of Korean immigration policy include cultural diversity and economic growth, while negative effects may involve cultural integration and resource strain. What else would you like to discuss?
📝 I think, metaphorically speaking, Korea's immigration policy can be a double-edged sword. For example, many industries in Korea are currently facing difficulties in hiring new workers. On the other hand,
'두 날의 칼'이라는 표현보다 '양날의 칼'이라고 하는 게 더 일반적이고 자연스러워. 그리고 'by contrast'를 'On the other hand'로 바꾸는 게 문맥상 더 매끄러워.
📝 I think you're not fully aware of the side effects and the positive impacts of Korean immigration policy. Generally speaking, by adopting a more open immigration stance, we might address the labor shortages in vulnerable industries. For example,
원래 말한 'I think you don't know' 보다 'I think you're not fully aware of'가 더 정중하게 들릴 수 있어요. 그리고 'positive effects'는 'positive impacts'로 바꾸는 게 더 자연스럽고, 문장을 더 간결하고 명확하게 표현했어요.
[A.I] Yes, immigration can help address labor shortages in vulnerable industries. Can you provide specific examples of these industries in Korea?
📝 Yes, for example, heavy industries in Korea like shipbuilding and EPC, which stands for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction companies. These companies have been struggling to find enough labor and manpower from within Korean cities. However, these problems have been emerging for some time now.
"이미"라는 단어를 쓰면 "이전에" 혹은 "전에"라는 표현보다 더 자연스럽고, "struggling to find"라고 하면 "struggling with"보다 더 명확하게 인력 부족의 문제를 설명해요.
📝 Through Korean immigration policy, many foreign individuals come to Korea seeking employment in various industries. For instance, if these individuals lack specific job skills or qualifications, they tend to seek employment in industries where jobs are more readily available. Such industries may only require applicants to be physically fit, without demanding extensive skills.
수정된 문장은 중복되는 단어를 덜 사용하고 문장 구조가 더 명확해서 이해하기 쉬워졌어.
[A.I] Yes, immigration can help fill job positions in industries with lower skill requirements, addressing labor shortages in those sectors.
📝 This also has a side effect. I mean, the more job positions that are available to foreign workers, the fewer opportunities there may be for Korean job seekers.
이 표현을 고치면 더 자연스럽고 명확해져. 'job position'은 'positions'로 복수형을 쓰고, 'the less Korean worker'는 'the fewer opportunities'로 바꾸면 '기회'라는 단어가 더 적절하게 들려.
📝 Therefore, due to that side effect, we experience societal challenges such as collapse, feuds, and polarization. People from affluent families are usually well-educated and have a higher chance of securing decent jobs. In contrast, those from less privileged backgrounds are often less educated and have fewer opportunities for such jobs. Consequently, these individuals, whom I refer to as the petite bourgeoisie, might consider taking on 3D or physically demanding jobs.
이 표현은 더 명확하고 정확하며, 부유층과 빈곤층 사이의 격차 문제를 설명할 때 사용되는 보통의 용어를 쓰고 있어서 더 자연스러워요.
[A.I] The immigration policy's impact on job opportunities can lead to social inequality and economic disparities between different socioeconomic groups. This is an important consideration in implementing immigration policies.
📝 So I think we could follow in the footsteps of the U.S. government. I mean, when the U.S. government accepts immigrants, they have a policy known as STEM, which stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They intend to accept only well-educated foreigners because they can create value-added job opportunities.
"Follow into" 대신에 "follow in"이라는 표현을 쓰는 것이 맞아요. 또, "adopts foreign people" 보다는 "accepts immigrants"라고 하는 것이 이 문맥에서 더 자연스럽고, "so-called" 대신에 "known as"를 사용하는 것이 더 적절해요. "STEM"은 미국의 정책 이름이 아니라 교육과 직업 분야를 나타내는 용어이기 때문에 설명을 조금 바꿔서 말하는 게 좋아요.
[A.I] I'm glad you agree. Implementing a selective immigration policy that focuses on attracting highly skilled individuals can help address labor shortages while minimizing negative societal impacts.
📝 Yes, currently Korea's population is declining, so there is no other way to hire young and healthy workers in Korea unless we choose to adapt to or accommodate foreign immigrants.
원래 말한 것처럼 'if we not' 대신에 'unless we'를 쓰는 게 더 자연스러워요. 그리고 'adapt or accommodate foreign people as immigrants'를 'adapt to or accommodate foreign immigrants'라고 하는 게 문장이 더 명확해져요.
[A.I] Immigration can help address labor shortages caused by a diminishing population, ensuring a sustainable workforce in Korea. Finding a balance is important.
📝 I believe Korea is no longer a homogeneous society; it has already become a heterogeneous nation.
"it's our society of Korea" 부분은 문장의 흐름이 부자연스럽고 중복된 표현이에요. 그래서 그 부분을 빼고 간결하게 "I believe Korea is no longer a homogeneous society; it has already become a heterogeneous nation." 이렇게 바꾸는 게 더 자연스럽고 명확해요.
[A.I] That's correct. The influx of immigrants has contributed to making Korea a more diverse and multicultural society. Embracing this diversity can enrich the country in many ways.
📝 However, it is inevitable that there will be many obstacles to integrating Koreans and foreigners into a single community.
'inevitable to' 대신에 'inevitable that there will be'라고 사용하는 것이 문장이 자연스럽게 흐르게 하고 뜻을 더 명확하게 전달해. 그리고 'Korean people and foreign people' 대신에 'Koreans and foreigners'라고 짧고 간결하게 표현하는 것이 좋아.
[A.I] Indeed, cultural integration can pose challenges, but with proper support and inclusive policies, it is possible to foster harmony and unity among Korean and foreign residents.
📝 Currently, only a few laws have been enacted by the Korean government or courts, so there are many cases where a middle ground is needed to support the people.
원래 문장에서는 문법적으로 어색한 부분이 있었고, "middle ground to support for the people"이라는 표현이 명확하지 않았어요. 수정된 문장은 문법적으로 맞고 "middle ground is needed"라고 바꿔서 의미를 더 명확하게 했어요.
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