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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

31일차. 2023-12-15. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

31일차. 2023-12-15. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2024. 4. 11. 13:05

🗣 스픽 🗣


🤖 Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, has been popular since around 2015. Bitcoin was actually introduced in 2009. Is there something specific you'd like to know about it?


📝 No, but I'd like to share an anecdote about my recent conversation with my supervisor. He posed a question about prioritizing investments in certain scenarios. There were five options: first, cash or savings accounts; second, real estate; third, stocks; fourth, gold or other tangible assets; and fifth, Bitcoin.

*원래 말했던 것보다 수정된 문장이 더 간결하고 명확해서 어떤 선택지들이 있는지 이해하기 쉬워요.


📝 Actually, no, because I have my own criteria for prioritizing them. Before he presented any scenarios, my initial priorities were as follows: first, real estate; second, gold; third, savings accounts; fourth, the stock market; and fifth, I suppose, would be Bitcoin.

*"Standard" 대신 "criteria"를 사용하는 것이 더 표준적이며 자연스럽고, "savings bank account"는 "savings accounts"로 단수 대신 복수 형태를 사용하는 게 일반적이에요. "What else?" 대신 구체적으로 "the stock market"을 명시하고, "five gold"가 아니라 새로운 항목인 "Bitcoin"을 다섯 번째로 추가했어요.


📝 Actually, my top priority is real estate because it's not significantly affected by depreciation or amortization.

*"Prioritized asset" 대신에 "top priority"라고 하는 게 더 자연스럽고 간단해. 그리고 "heavily influenced" 대신에 "significantly affected"라고 하면 더 깔끔하고 명확한 표현이 돼.


📝 Actually, there was a specific reason I chose gold as my second priority. I don't remember exactly, but during a recent English study session, one of the members mentioned that the value of gold had been skyrocketing. After checking it myself, I realized that the price of gold has been continuously increasing, especially during times of war or global instability.

*이 수정된 버전이 더 좋은 이유는 문장이 더 간결하고 명확해서 이해하기 쉽기 때문이야. 원래 말한 것을 좀 더 정리해서 핵심 포인트를 잘 전달하고 있어.


📝 Because at least if you keep your money in a savings bank account, you won't lose any money. Of course, you have to accept that it's a low-risk, low-return situation—it's a trade-off, you know.

*"won't lose anyone any money" 대신 "won't lose any money"라고 하는 것이 더 자연스럽고 명확해. "it's quid pro quo"라는 표현보다 "it's a trade-off"라고 하면 더 흔하게 쓰이는 말이라 이해하기 쉬워져.


📝 The stock market might technically offer better returns than a savings bank account, but I currently undervalue it because I'm not very knowledgeable about the stock market. However, if I gain more expertise or knowledge in this area, I might change the order.

*원래 말이 너무 길고 반복되는 부분이 많아서 짧고 명확하게 바꾼 버전이 더 이해하기 쉬워.


📝 I still emphasize this initial order, but I ranked Bitcoin fifth because it is too risky. However, as I've learned more about Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and their underlying value, I've started to change my mind.

*"put an emphasis for"보다 "emphasize"가 더 자연스럽고 문장도 더 간결해져. "because it is too risky"를 문장 앞에다 놓으면 이유를 바로 설명하는 거라서 더 명확하고, "and then"이랑 "I mean"은 불필요한 말이라 빼주는 게 나아.


🤖 It's interesting how your opinion on Bitcoin has evolved. Would you reconsider the order of priorities for these assets in the future?


📝 Of course, I reconsidered it. After my supervisor's first question, he presented another scenario. Imagine if you were living in a country experiencing war, which asset would you prioritize? It was quite a thought-provoking question.

*원래 말한 것보다 수정한 문장이 더 깔끔하고 명확하게 상황을 설명하고 있어서, 듣는 사람이 이해하기 쉬워.


📝 The order has completely changed from the initial one. First would be Bitcoin, second the stock market, third gold, and fourth savings bank accounts or cash. There's a stark difference between the initial and later order.

*원래 순서와 완전히 달라졌어요. 첫 번째는 비트코인, 두 번째는 주식 시장, 세 번째는 금, 그리고 네 번째는 저축 은행 계좌나 현금이에요. 처음 순서와 나중 순서가 확연히 달라요.


📝 Okay, because Bitcoin is intangible and it's very easy to trade with others. Compared to other assets, housing or real estate becomes meaningless in a war situation, where missiles and armies could destroy buildings. In that case, the value of real estate would disappear, I believe. However, Bitcoin wouldn't be affected by such issues.

*비트코인은 만질 수 없는 가상의 것이고 사람들 사이에서 거래하기도 쉬워서, 전쟁 같은 상황에서는 건물이나 부동산처럼 파괴될 수 있는 자산보다 의미가 없다고 생각하는 거야. 그리고 전쟁으로 건물이 파괴되면 부동산 가치가 사라지겠지만, 비트코인은 그런 문제에 영향을 받지 않는다고.


🤖 Do you think the new order would still hold true in other circumstances as well?


📝 I don't think so, but it could still be possible because nowadays, wars seem to be occurring one after another around the world. For instance, the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine was followed by the escalation in Israel and Palestine. And now, it seems another conflict may emerge. I'm quite concerned about the possibility of another war.

*원래 말한 것보다 더 자연스럽고 명확한 표현으로 바꿨어. 예를 들어 "the wars are happening in a chain and in a row" 대신에 "wars seem to be occurring one after another"라고 하면 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있고, "the first war these days was" 보다 "the recent conflict" 이라고 하는게 현재 상황을 더 정확하게 나타내.


📝 I'm planning to start learning about economics, the stock market, and Bitcoin. I've already begun my studies, but before I invest any money, I need to fully understand each area, like Bitcoin and the stock market, among others.

*수정된 문장은 좀 더 명확하고 간결해서, 무슨 말을 하고 싶은지 더 잘 이해할 수 있어.


📝 The thing is, I've been tired all the time after work, so even though I have a weekly plan to start my self-development,

*"have been all the time tired"는 영어 문법에 맞지 않아요. "I've been tired all the time"로 바꾸면 더 자연스럽고 문법적으로 맞는 표현이에요. "already set my weekly plan"도 "have a weekly plan"로 바꾸면 현재 완료형을 사용하여 계획이 이미 있다는 것을 더 명확히 할 수 있어요.



(2024-04-03) 🗣 스픽 🗣.docx


