태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
30일차. 2023-12-14. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문
🗣 스픽 🗣
📝 No, I don't want to talk about my daily routine. Instead, I'd like to talk about something special that's been happening these days.
*"Rather than it" 대신에 "Instead"를 사용하는 게 더 자연스럽고, "these days" 뒤에 "that's been happening"을 추가해서 최근에 일어나고 있는 특별한 일들에 대해 얘기하고 싶다는 걸 더 명확하게 해줘.
📝 Yes, of course. I have a few cases that have been particularly rewarding and fulfilling. However, I wanted to discuss the regulations provided by the HR platform, known as 사람인.
*수정된 문장이 더 자연스럽고 명확해. 'So, but by the way, just' 같은 말들이 불필요하게 문장을 길게 만들었었어.
🤖 I see, you want to discuss the regulations set by the HR platform 사람인. What specific regulations are you interested in or concerned about?
📝 Actually, I'm concerned about certain aspects of the regulations set by 사람인. Specifically, the mentoring program provides subsidies to the mentees. They're like coupons, which allow the mentees to request mentoring hours from any mentors they prefer.
*"items of one regulation" 대신 "certain aspects of the regulations"로 바꾼 이유는 좀 더 자연스럽고 명확하게 규정의 특정 부분에 대한 관심을 표현하기 때문이에요. 그리고 "give the mentees subsidies"는 "provides subsidies to the mentees"로 바꿔서 문장이 더 자연스러워졌어요.
📝 Thank you for your patience. Actually, these coupons are free, which allows mentees to freely request mentoring hours from any mentors. However, mentors are compensated with a form of credit for their time, even though the service is paid for. The issue arises if a mentor provides mentoring hours through unauthorized methods; in such instances, the mentor would face penalties.
*설명이 더 간결하고 명확해져서 무슨 말을 하려는지 이해하기가 더 쉬워졌어.
📝 For example, recording the mentoring session between the mentor and mentee and then redistributing the recorded file. Of course, I am aware that these actions are illegal, but I don't believe any regulatory body on the HR platform is monitoring this.
*"Recording mentoring program between mentor and mentee"라고 하면 프로그램 자체를 녹음한다는 의미처럼 들릴 수 있어요. "Recording the mentoring session"이라고 하면 멘토링이 진행되는 실제 상황을 녹음한다는 게 더 명확하게 전달돼요. 그리고 "re-repeating" 대신 "redistributing"을 쓰면 녹음한 내용을 다시 퍼트린다는 의미가 더 정확해져요. "Watchdog"보다는 "regulatory body"라고 하면 감독 기관을 더 정식으로 지칭하는 표현이에요.
🤖 Have you considered reporting this issue to the HR platform to ensure the privacy and integrity of the mentoring program?
📝 Of course, privacy is very sensitive in relation to that mentoring program. However, unfortunately, there is an agreement allowing mentors and mentees to record their sessions.
*원래 말은 조금 복잡해서 이해하기 어려웠는데, 고친 문장은 더 간결하고 명확해졌어.
📝 No, it's more of a notification. There isn't an opportunity to discuss the recording regulation. I believe there might be a loophole in the regulation because recording conversations can be very sensitive and complicated.
*원래 말한 것보다 'kind of notification'을 'more of a notification'으로 바꾸면 '알림의 일종'이라는 뜻이 더 분명해져요. 그리고 'loophole of that regulation'을 'loophole in the regulation'으로 고치면 '규정 안의 허점'이라는 의미가 더 자연스럽게 전달돼요.
📝 That's why I believe there may be loopholes in that regulation. Recording conversations is a sensitive matter, and although I may be repeating myself, I think there are controversial aspects that need to be addressed.
*원래 말한 것보다 더 명확하고 간결해서 어떤 점이 문제인지 더 잘 이해할 수 있어.
📝 I think your suggestion seems theoretical because, as a common person, obtaining legal advice isn't easy. It suggests that if you seek legal counsel, you have a substantial support network, particularly in the legal field. In reality, I don't have any connections in the legal profession, so I find your advice impractical.
*당신의 제안이 이론적으로 들린다는 건, 일반 사람 입장에서 법적 조언을 얻는 것이 쉽지 않다는 뜻이에요. 법적 조언을 구한다는 건 많은 지원망을 가지고 있다는 것을 암시하는데, 사실 저는 법조계에 아는 사람이 없어서 조언이 현실적이지 않다고 느껴져요.
📝 Of course, your advice seems reasonable. However, you know, the information on web forums or communities isn't always reliable. Many users tend to speak carelessly, so I can't fully trust any of it.
*"seems reasonable"은 "sounds plausible"보다 자연스럽고 흔히 쓰이는 표현이에요. 그리고 "information"은 셀 수 없는 명사라서 "pieces of information"이라고 하지 않고 "the information"이라고 사용하는 게 맞아요. "I mean"이나 "not mass media" 같은 부분은 문장을 복잡하게 만들어서 간단하게 고친 거고요. "I cannot believe 100%, any of them"은 "I can't fully trust any of it"으로 바꾸면 더 간결하고 명확해져요.
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