관리 메뉴

태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

#hearing 관련 (feat. 청문회, 공청회) 본문

영어/영어 용법·표현

#hearing 관련 (feat. 청문회, 공청회)

태뽕이 2024. 2. 15. 23:44

#hearing 관련

• hearing /ˈhɪrɪŋ/

1-[uncountable] the ability to hear

SEE ALSO hard of hearing

: U 청력, 청각


Her hearing is poor.

          그녀는 청력이 안 좋다[귀가 어둡다].

He’s hearing-impaired.

          그는 청각 장애인이다.

The explosion damaged his hearing.

She starting to lose her hearing.

hearing loss

          난청, 청력 상실


2-[countable] an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take

: 공판, 심리, 공청회, 청문회


a court/disciplinary hearing.                              법정 심리[공판]/징계 청문회

An appeal hearing is scheduled for later this month.

to hold/attend/adjourn a hearing

personnel hearing.                                                    인사 청문회

hold hearing.                                                          청문회를 열다.


3-[singular] an opportunity to explain your actions, ideas or opinions

: sing. 해명[설명]할 기회


to get/give somebody a fair hearing

          공평한 해명 기회를 갖다/~에게 주다

His views may be unfashionable but he deserves a hearing.

          그의 견해가 인기는 없을지 모르지만 그에게 설명할 기회는 주어야 한다.



• hearing aid /ˈhɪrɪŋ eɪd/

-a small device that fits inside the ear and makes sounds louder, used by people who cannot hear well

: 보청기


to have/wear a hearing aid

          보청기를 끼다



• hard of hearing /ˌhɑːrd əv ˈhɪrɪŋ/

형용사 [명사 앞에는 안 씀]

1-unable to hear very well

: 귀가 잘 안 들리는


She is hard of hearing and her eyesight is starting to fail.

You may need to interact with deaf or hard-of-hearing co-workers or clients.


2-the hard of hearing noun [plural] people who are unable to hear very well

: pl. (the hard of hearing) 난청인들


subtitles for the deaf and the hard of hearing

          청각 장애인들과 난청인 사람들을 위한 방송 자막



• hearing-impaired

: 청각 장애인인, 청각 장애가 있는, 청각 장애인의


• hearing loss

: 난청, 청력 상실



• in/within (somebody’s) hearing

-near enough to somebody so that they can hear what is said

SYNONYM earshot

: (~가) 들을 수 있는 거리에서[듣는 데서]


She shouldn’t have said such things in your hearing.

          그녀는 네가 듣는 데서 그런 말을 하지 말았어야 했다.

I had no reason to believe there was anyone within hearing.

          내가 내 말이 들리는 거리 내에 누군가가 있을 거라고 믿을 이유가 없었다.

For God's sake, don't mention it in her hearing.



• within earshot (of somebody/something)

-near enough to hear somebody/something or to be heard

: (~의) 소리가 들리는 거리에 (있는)


As she came within earshot of the group, she heard her name mentioned.

          그녀가 그 무리의 말소리가 들리는 거리쯤 다가가자 자기 이름이 언급되는 것이 들렸다.

He said nothing, for the policeman was still within earshot.



• out of hearing

-too far away to hear somebody/something or to be heard

: (너무 멀어서) 소리가 들리지 않는


She had moved out of hearing.

          그녀는 소리가 들리지 않을 정도로 멀리 가 버린 상태였다.

We were just out of the captain's hearing.



• out of earshot (of somebody/something)

-too far away to hear somebody/something or to be heard

: (~의) 소리가 들리지 않을 만큼 먼[멀리]


We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it.

          우리는 테드가 분명히 우리 말을 듣지 못할 정도로 멀어지기를 기다렸다가 그것을 논의했다.

He diplomatically moved out of earshot.



• adjourn /əˈdʒɜːrn/

[intransitive, transitive, often passive] (formal)

-to stop a meeting or an official process, especially a trial, for a period of time

: [흔히 수동태로] (재판·회의 등을) 중단하다, 휴정[휴회]하다


The court adjourned for lunch.

          점심시간 동안 재판이 중단되었다.

*adjourn something

The trial has been adjourned until next week.

          그 재판은 다음주까지 휴정되었다

The chairman may adjourn the meeting at any time.



• adjourn to…

-(formal or humorous) to go to another place, especially in order to relax

: (특히 쉬기 위해) …로 자리를 옮기다


I suggest we adjourn to the bar for a drink.

Shall we adjourn to your office?
